Recent content by Archibald

  1. Archibald

    Buying the 800mm as I HATE CROPPING

    Those things are very hard to use. They need to be calibrated for the anticipated shooting distance on every outing. You don't get confirmation that focus has been achieved, or where the focus is. Some get great results with them though, so maybe worth a try.
  2. Archibald

    Buying the 800mm as I HATE CROPPING

    My own experience is that my RF 100-500 L (cropped) outresolved the 800/11. The zoom also focuses much closer. There isn't a great weight difference between those lenses. Advantage: the zoom (except for price). I sold my 800/11.
  3. Archibald

    Buying the 800mm as I HATE CROPPING

    Of course it is the lens that causes diffraction, not the sensor. There would certainly be diminishing returns with a high resolution sensor, but never a poorer resolution. In practice, we rarely see the effects of diffraction unless we are cropping hard. The effects are present, but not very...
  4. Archibald

    Bugs Tree hopper

    This little brown blob is not caterpillar poo but a tree hopper.
  5. Archibald

    Bugs Dance Fly

    Long-tailed Dance Fly. It has red eyes and feathery legs.
  6. Archibald

    Bugs Weevil

    Nut weevil.
  7. Archibald

    Red-winged Blackbird

    A vain red-winged blackbird admiring itself in a car mirror. It has been doing this for days, going from car to car. Unfortunately for the car owners, the bird leaves behind a lot of bird poop.
  8. Archibald

    Wild Great Blue Heron

    Great Blue Heron.
  9. Archibald


    Pileated Woodpecker portrait.
  10. Archibald

    Wild Black-rumped Flameback Woodpecker

    Great colors, nice setting.
  11. Archibald

    Bugs Fly

    Hybotid Dance Fly, Genus Platypalpus. These are predatory flies.
  12. Archibald

    Scathophaga stercoraria

    Amazing stack considering it must have been moving.
  13. Archibald

    ISO and portraiture

    I don't understand why you wouldn't shoot at ISO 100-200 if you are in the studio where you can control the lighting.
  14. Archibald


    Thanks, agreed.
  15. Archibald


    Female Cardinal.