Recent content by cargo

  1. C

    Horse and jogger.

    Very nice. Well scene. Gaz
  2. C

    Blue Damselfly.

    Fabulous. Gaz
  3. C

    Ellie in the orchard

    Lovely. The eye contact is mesmerizing. Gaz
  4. C


    Great. Loving the pov & patterns. Gaz
  5. C

    Fritillaria Meleagris

    Fabulous Gav. What a great scene you've created. Gaz
  6. C


    Thanks Gav. A mate spotted this background on Amazon for £7 so we got one each. Bargain :-) Thanks :) Cheers Thanks for the feedback. He his definitely a character ;-) Gaz
  7. C

    Hair flicks

    Really like this. Gaz
  8. C


    I named this stoic as Bruno appeared that way to me. I have no idea as to whether he his or not. Same as I have no idea what's going through his mind most days. He his quirky for sure :) Gaz
  9. C

    one man and his dogs

    Great captures. Well done. Gaz
  10. C


    Beautiful. The bend on the stem and the flower tilted in that manner. Really makes the image. Gaz
  11. C


    Great image. I think the colour crop is fab. Like the pov you've taken this from. Gaz
  12. C


    Funny thread ;-) Great image too. Gaz
  13. C

    My year so far

    Looks like it's going to be a good year :) All very different but great. Thanks for the sharing the inspiration. Gaz
  14. C

    RingFlash Adapter

    @Phil V Thanks @Garry Edwards Thanks Garry. Very informative.
  15. C

    RingFlash Adapter

    @Gav. Thanks Gav. You confirmed my gut feeling. It's not worth the mither. I'll either break something or burn myself in the process :-) @Phil V Thanks Phil. Heat cut and glue sounds like trouble to me. I'm grateful for the advice and in the right hands,it maybe possible. Thanks for the...