Recent content by ChrisR

  1. ChrisR

    Pentax closer to release of new film camera.

    Haven't seen any hints, but not long to wait, announcement due on the 17th I believe! (OT, I don't think I've seen much discussion of the Mint Rollei 35AF on here, I believe that's supposedly going to be in the US$650-800 bracket...)
  2. ChrisR

    Show us yer film shots then!

    Horse and rider on Malthouse Lane. That first house on the left is "The Malthouse", but it is not the actual malthouse once on the site, see this post from the local historical society. Pentax LX, SMC Pentax 100/4 lens, slightly expired Superia 400, dev/scan by Filmdev.
  3. ChrisR

    MacBook Air or Pro for editing?

    I have a M1 16" MacBook Pro, and frequently rather wish I'd bought the 14"! It's a big beast to pack when going away...
  4. ChrisR

    Lightroom alternative for both Windows and Mac?

    Affinity Photo (possibly on sale at the moment) dies pano stitching and focus stacking very well, and will also take care of most of your PS workflow (though slightly differently, of course). It doesn't do any DAM (Digital Asset Management) stuff, as far as I know.
  5. ChrisR

    Show us yer film shots then!

    Poplars. (From what I see on the rest of the roll, those are reasonable colours from the day!) Pentax LX, SMC Pentax 100/4 lens, slightly expired Superia 400, dev/scan by Filmdev.
  6. ChrisR

    New old film challenge #237 - Festival

    Festival weather... Pentax MX, SMC Pentax M 85/2 lens, yellow filter, HP5 at box, dev/scan by Filmdev in IlfoTec DD.
  7. ChrisR

    Pentax closer to release of new film camera.

    I thought I should reply, trying to bring this thread back OT! Images visible at
  8. ChrisR

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    This is a wise choice. One of the best viewfinders in the business, compact, amazing selection of lenses. Meter is pretty good. I usually meter off the foreground as well as the scene in general before deciding on exposure. The MX has a little tell-tale window at the top of the viewfinder, where...
  9. ChrisR

    Show us yer film shots then!

    The News Steps: 1) By the top, those locks weren't there, last time I was! 2) Near the bottom. Yes, it's steep. Pentax MX, SMC Pentax (K) 55mm f/1.8, yellow filter, Ilford FP4 home devved in HC-110 dilution B.
  10. ChrisR

    Show us yer film shots then!

    National Library of Scotland. Pentax MX, SMC Pentax (K) 55mm f/1.8, yellow filter, Ilford FP4 home devved in HC-110 dilution B.
  11. ChrisR

    F&C meet up 18th May 2024

    That is really dramatic, Ian. It doesn't matter ATALL that it's nothing like what we saw, I really love it!
  12. ChrisR

    Photoshop elements questions

    I don't know about Camera Raw, and I have not used it myself for some years (my copy became inoperable due to Apple's over-aggressive code purification strategy!). It is used (in different versions) by several hobbyists in our local U3A photography group, though I'd suspect they are probably not...
  13. ChrisR

    Increasing my WiFi range ~ need a Mesh extender ???

    You've clearly had good advice here. Just to add, when we installed our M5s I simply disabled Wifi on the Plusnet router/modem, and plugged an ethernet cable for the central M5 into a router port. We do have a family PC also plugged into that router. I've never noticed any problems with this...
  14. ChrisR

    Show us yer film shots then!

    Feather in the pine tree. Pentax MX, SMC Pentax (K) 55mm f/1.8, yellow filter, Ilford FP4 home devved in HC-110 dilution B.
  15. ChrisR

    Increasing my WiFi range ~ need a Mesh extender ???

    I have a TP-Link Deco M5 twin-pack system. One is beside the router towards the rear of our 2-story house, wired to it (router wifi turned off). The other is high up in the garage near the front. We get excellent, pretty rock-solid wifi throughout the 4-bedroom house, including extension. I...