Recent content by damianmkv

  1. damianmkv

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    I have the 18 f2 as well, it’s a good pairing
  2. damianmkv

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    Isn’t the Fuji 27mm much slower to focus than the TT ? I’ve thought about doing the same thing a few times and agree that there’s loads of vignetting on the TTA at f2.8
  3. damianmkv

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    Has anyone used the XC 35mm f2 ? I currently have the Viltrox 33 f1.4 but was wondering about changing it for the smaller and cheaper of the 2 F2 Fuji lenses. I don’t have any WR lenses so that’s no issue, it’s more of a size/weight change from the Viltrox
  4. damianmkv

    micro four thirds??

    The IBIS is great ( I’ve only had experience of Olympus ) but I’ve taken handheld shots with up to 2.5second exposures and they’re sharp
  5. damianmkv

    micro four thirds??

    I’d second what @Sangoma says about the Olympus 9mm BCL - yes it’s tiny and for the price you think you can’t go wrong but it’s f8. That’ll turn out to be really restrictive ( I had one, briefly ). Personally I’d go for the Samyang 7.5mm FE - it’s f2.8 so you can chuck it one, set MFD and off...
  6. damianmkv

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    X-T50 is £1299 for those interested
  7. damianmkv

    Versatile travel camera?

    Omd e-m10.2 + Panasonic 12-32 or Olympus 14-42 would give you 24-64 or 28-84mm range You get IBIS too Then something like the Panasonic 20mm f1.7 if you want a small prime ( that doesn’t focus quickly in low light ) or the Olympus 17mm f1.8
  8. damianmkv

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    Its editing like this that goes to show that perhaps it’s not about the camera at all. By that I mean if you can replicate “simulations” in post no matter what camera is used, why do we bother chasing gear ? should we just spend more time creating our preferred “look” and apply that to our shots ?
  9. damianmkv

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    I have one, yes the AF is a little noisy and slow ( relatively ) but I’ve never had an issue with sharpness
  10. damianmkv

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    I had one but sold it last month as it sat between my 18mm and 27mm ( I also have the Viltrox 33 f1.4 ). Great lens IMO, very sharp but some CA wide open that can usually be fixed in post
  11. damianmkv

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    I have the 18 f2, 27 f2.8, 33 f1.4 and 50 f2. The 33 is Viltrox so I’m never going to get compact for an f1.4 lens and the price makes it good to hold on to
  12. damianmkv

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    I’ve had many cameras and lenses over the years and always start off with the best intentions before the little red fella perches on my shoulder and starts whispering :snaphappy: I promised myself that with my x-t20 I’d just have one lens. Then I bought 2 at once so I think that counts as a...
  13. damianmkv

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    My travel bag is the x-t20, 18mm f2 , TTA 27 f2.8 and the 50mm f2. In all honesty, I probably take 95% of shots using the 18 and 27 If it’s convenience, the 18-55 wins the day for you I guess
  14. damianmkv

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    i was curious about that too when I got my x-t20 but bought the Viltrox version instead as you can pick it up for £150-ish. In my experience, the Viltrox was very sharp but does have quite a bit of CA wide open… can be “fixed” in post usually Sold it this week as I have the 18mm f2, 27mm f2.8...
  15. damianmkv

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    I couldn’t quite work him out. At first I thought he was a drunk as he was lying on the bench but his mate came, he sat up, got out his mobile, had a coherent conversation ( if you speak Greek ), went to get food, came back and ate