Recent content by excalibur2

  1. excalibur2

    Show us yer film shots then!

    The first shot I esp like (fishyfish) and you'll need Photoshop with cloud to get rid of the car, but then it was interesting imagining reversing the car out on a dark night..well if the road doesn't continue.
  2. excalibur2

    New old film challenge #237 - Festival

    According to the dictionary..festival could mean a special day for eating so:- T90, Sigma super wide II 24mm
  3. excalibur2

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    Well interested in zooms? the Minolta 35-70 f3.5 maco is worth a look (if reasonabally priced).....I've mounted it on my XD-11 with film to take shots when I fully get my mojo back (gradually coming back after nearly 3 years)........also got my T70 with Canon 20mm all ready for a nice sunny day...
  4. excalibur2

    A big film scanner thread

    Worth looking at the bootie for Epson scanners e.g. 4180 good enough for enlarging up to A4 for 35mm and quite good for MF on comparing with my Epson 750 pro......of course caveat emptor when buying any electric things (but if you get it very cheap it's worth a gamble, I bought one for a fiver...
  5. excalibur2

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    You'll have to pixel peep on a digi to find any difference (if any) between recommended lenses for Canon, Nikon, Olympus, Pentax etc as on a film camera it will not show.....well in saying that there is caveat emptor as you might see a difference between copy variation in manufacture and pick a...
  6. excalibur2

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    Well I've handled many cameras from Nikon F4 to Praktica MT3 and the T70 feels ok to me ...but there you go. At least the T70 doesn't annoy me when using the Nikon FM (which I like) when using it in the vertical position because to operate the exposure meter the wind on lever has to be open by...
  7. excalibur2

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    Ah many people think like you and I always say "do you want to take pictures or be a poser". :D It was well designed camera by Canon in that they were thinking of possible problems by Joe public e.g. doesn't need light seals replacing as it doesn't need them also a feature called safety shift...
  8. excalibur2

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    The T70........The secret of how I post great shots here, o_O:D out of my appx 40 cameras it's the one I've used most.....a love affair? :rolleyes: Another Camera I like is the Chinon CP-7m... IMO better than Pentax offerings like ME can take Pentax lenses and as it's not well known...
  9. excalibur2

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    If you want to dip your toe in the water using film and something cheap, my choice would be Canon T70...the only weakness is the catch for holding the two AA batteries and needs to be checked if the previous owner was a gorilla. Also if you are long sighted then dioptres available on ebay to...
  10. excalibur2

    New old film challenge #236 - Tunnel ***POLL ADDED***

    Nazi tunnel under fortifications in Holland:-
  11. excalibur2

    Show us yer film shots then!

    Got the 2023 ver but don't think it's got AI, anyway used the remove tool and it did a reasonable job of removing the car:-
  12. excalibur2

    Show us yer film shots then!

    gotta have a record shot showing my motorbike......parking by river Wye before Tintern...shot so grainy (about 2006 Kodak gold) had to despeckle. Canon 20mm
  13. excalibur2

    motorbikes old/ thread??

    Ducati WSD900?..not much info?
  14. excalibur2

    Show us yer film shots then!

    Thanks but it's not a great shot to bother, tried to remove car with PS CS6 but gave up as couldn't find "fill in" after lassoo :(