Recent content by flook999

  1. flook999

    Zine Exchange VII - January to April 2024

    yes but how much damage can 4 or 5 do? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: . On second thoughts, don't answer that .......
  2. flook999

    Zine Exchange VII - January to April 2024

    That's excellent Ian, thanks for posting the link for those of us too lazy to do anything this time out. I keep trying to talk Mrs Flook into getting a few runner ducks, purely for entertainment value, but so far she is resisting. This has given me encouragement :cool:
  3. flook999

    Zine Exchange VII - January to April 2024

    sorry failed miserably, I'm out I'm afraid
  4. flook999

    Zine Exchange VII - January to April 2024

    Affinity Publisher sometimes has free trials and is as intuitive to use as publishing software can be, might be worth a look
  5. flook999

    Zine Exchange VII - January to April 2024

    haven't even thought about it :( Real life issues have come thick and fast over the last couple of months so I may be out of this one.....or I may have a rush of blood on deadline day, frankly at the moment I haven't a scooby :headbang:
  6. flook999

    TalkPhotography Fantasy Football League(s) 23/24

    Think that was the definition of a cameo performance :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
  7. flook999

    TalkPhotography Fantasy Football League(s) 23/24

    As have I, but with it being mid-season break time he's only missing Toon today as the next game is Burnley on the 31st, though I suspect he will be eased back slowly. Issue with Haaland and Salah is it's difficult to get them back into the team without using a WC or costing you points, so a bit...
  8. flook999

    Money thoughts …

    Must confess to having a cursory look at Bali, which is similar to thailand, at least superficially, with regards cost of living in retirement, however I couldn't bring my self to leave the UK with my daughter still here, so didn't take it very far. Perhaps I should try convincing her to...
  9. flook999

    Money thoughts …

    £200 for me this month, 4.3% return over last 12 months, not bad
  10. flook999

    When is a zine not a zine?

    Interesting discussion, I have been aware since zineswap #1 that my zines are not true to the original definition of the term, being more like short photobooks, indeed I did mention in the last swap that "I'd done it again" and wanted next time to produce a more fluid, less structured document...
  11. flook999

    Zine Exchange VII - January to April 2024

    Count me in please, no idea what I'm doing this time though (how unusual :/ )
  12. flook999

    Photographers Block?

    shoot a project on a theme, print it, hell maybe even join in the next zine exchange :) Having a project, for me at least, brings focus to my photography and a reason to get out there and shoot. Printing it gives me something tangible as a reward
  13. flook999

    Zine Exchange VI: May - September 2023

    it's arrived, right in my ball park that one is :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
  14. flook999

    The 23/24 Football Thread

    Congratulations, you deserved it, no arguments from me, Kovacic was borderline red for the first, and the second was certainly worthy of a yellow. Can't believe Pep left him on after that, was like playing with 10 men, he was just a mobile cone for the next 30 minutes. It's a very open season...