Recent content by Graham W

  1. Graham W

    I've been spotted!

    A couple more.
  2. Graham W

    I've been spotted!

  3. Graham W

    Any idea what flower this is ?

    Spotty Dorkid! :giggle:
  4. Graham W

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    I put it up a while takers.
  5. Graham W

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    Could well be...they gave me £500.00 for it.
  6. Graham W

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    They've got a black one as old one!
  7. Graham W

    Dosa / Crepe pan | warped

    Lots of advice on 'tinternet but they're material dependant...nothing to lose, can you bend, force, whack it back?
  8. Graham W

    Dosa / Crepe pan | warped

    What's it made of? Steel, Aluminium, cast iron?
  9. Graham W

    Buying the 800mm as I HATE CROPPING

    That was my first thought...getting the bird in the viewfinder and keeping it there is going to be a challenge I suspect.
  10. Graham W

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    Anybody want a Fuji remote release? ... Just put one in the classified! (y)
  11. Graham W

    portable studio lighting

    I've stolen that and claimed it as my own! :D
  12. Graham W

    portable studio lighting

  13. Graham W

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    Silver thumb grip in the classified section. :giggle:
  14. Graham W

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    It's here...the VI has landed! :banana: Anybody want an F? :)
  15. Graham W

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    X100F When in continuous focus setting there's no shutter speed displayed in the viewfinder, but there is in single and manual this normal? Hardley ever use continuous so only just noticed!