Recent content by GreenNinja67

  1. GreenNinja67

    A sad day - Canon R5 - Long Exposure issues (What are your thoughts???)

    Did the previous 2 R5's exhibit the same hot pixel issue?
  2. GreenNinja67

    A sad day - Canon R5 - Long Exposure issues (What are your thoughts???)

    Not for a 2 minute exposure no.
  3. GreenNinja67

    A sad day - Canon R5 - Long Exposure issues (What are your thoughts???)

    Dark frames are normally used to average out the noise in a long exposure astro image so the signal to noise ratio is greater. Bias frames are for reducing fixed-pattern noise. Flat frames are for correcting uneven field illumination and vignetting.
  4. GreenNinja67

    A sad day - Canon R5 - Long Exposure issues (What are your thoughts???)

    My thoughts after you've had 3 duffers? Sell it quick once repaired and get another model or make of camera. My EM1X has taken loads of long exposures (up to 5 minutes on a star tracker) and very rarely do I get any hot pixels at all.
  5. GreenNinja67

    Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

    I used that for a while but the V350 will be better as it's less tall than the 685 so will shine more light on the subject. I picked up a Nissin i40 for M4/3 from CEX for £38 and it's brilliant for macro.
  6. GreenNinja67

    Welcome to the Wex Official Thread on Talk Photography!

    Not really Mat. I was advised that the lenses would need to be repaired and was given a quote for the said repair. Nothing was mentioned about a downgrade to the offered price. Make of that what you will but to me it appeared to be a money making exercise. Instead of "changing the process"...
  7. GreenNinja67

    Welcome to the Wex Official Thread on Talk Photography!

    Thanks Mat, To help you track it down here's what I was emailed: "Quotation Number: 50247244 Thank you very much for sending in your used equipment for part-exchange. We would like to speak to you regarding the item(s) you have sent in but have been unable to reach you by phone. Please...
  8. GreenNinja67

    Welcome to the Wex Official Thread on Talk Photography!

    Hi Matt, On 2 occasions now I have sent lenses into Wex for trade in, only to be told a couple of them have moisture inside the rear element and needing repair. Upon asking for the lenses to be returned no moisture to be found. Both of these occasions were in the winter and the only thing I...
  9. GreenNinja67

    Superzoom Bridge Camera?

    This may do:
  10. GreenNinja67

    Superzoom Bridge Camera? That's apparently the best one at the moment but pricey. Might be able to get one cheaper 2nd hand?
  11. GreenNinja67

    Adobe may now pirate your content

    Everywhere does it. If you don't like it don't use the internet at all and sell your smartphone. There's no getting around it.
  12. GreenNinja67

    Clean negs

    Never took one I'm afraid. I think the tank stirrer came into play but the memories are fading.
  13. GreenNinja67

    Clean negs

    When I did my developing in the 90's I'd not heard of a salad spinner but I did make an attachment to allow me to use an electric drill to "spin" the Dev reel. Worked ok for me. Just don't make it too fast.
  14. GreenNinja67

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    Olympus OM2n. Superb camera and the Zuiko lenses are also brilliant.