Recent content by Marcel

  1. Marcel

    Cobra, Rest in Peace

    Such terrible news. Chris was an absolute stalwart of TP. His dedication to the forum and its community was always top tier. I may have created the forum all those years ago, but from the moment he joined he was right at the forefront building it. When I decided to step back from TP, I couldn't...
  2. Marcel

    Notice Jimmy_Lemon has left the building

    Only just spotted this! Thanks for all your help over the years dude!. Seriously, it's been invaluable. :)
  3. Marcel

    Notice There's gon' be some new sheriffs in town

    Firstly, thank you all for your kind words in the other thread. It really means a lot to read how TP has reached so many people, and the fondness you have for the community here is warming :) Onto the news..... After much snarling, teeth pulling and toe biting, erm lazing around eating jaffa...
  4. Marcel

    Notice Some big changes coming to TP

    Yeah sorry about having to kill the app. I know it's a painful bandaid to pull off. I should have done it a long time ago tbh. I'm sure anyone who misses it will understand why it has to go. Besides, with my feelings towards how Tapatalk operate (suddenly changing our app that we pay for, to...
  5. Marcel

    Answered The App is dead long live the WWW

    Sorry yes I should have updated this thread and closed the poll. As part of the handover, the app is being removed. One - Costs Two - It's getting worse Three - They have changed the goalposts wince we took them on and forced adverts through after x0000 views. Four - They're a s*** company to...
  6. Marcel

    Notice Some big changes coming to TP

    Just a quick note. I've not had chance to catch up with the thread yet.... However, I'd like to announce that discussions have been successful and TP will be continuing as is, with someone new at the helm. More details soon, but I want to reassure you all that TP is not going anywhere and will...
  7. Marcel

    Notice Some big changes coming to TP

    Wow. I didn't expect there to be this many responses! I'm honestly and truly humbled by the number and content of your replies, and I'm overwhelmed at the messages of encouragement and offers of support, both on here and via PM. Thank you so much. I know it sounds corny, but TP has been a...
  8. Marcel

    Notice Some big changes coming to TP

    When we started TP back in 2005 or so, we were just a few mates who had met on other forums. As time went on, we grew and grew. We outgrew our hosting at every step, ending on a dedicated server and even having to keep upgrading that. We also introduced advertising to pay for it, and a Limited...
  9. Marcel

    Answered Spell check

    It *shouldn't* AFAIK. The different themes that members have access to are literally just colour / theme style changes.
  10. Marcel

    Radio Garden - Listen to a radio station anywhere in the world.

    This is pretty bloomin neat! Shame the map doesn't have labels though.
  11. Marcel

    Answered Managed to Login

    A bit of the database that deals with sessions got all giddy decided to drive head on into a wall unfortunately. That's why it worked without logging out/in. As soon as you do anything that requires checking if you're logged in or not and the hamster could only look at the wrecked wall and shrug...
  12. Marcel

    So.... What have I missed

    That rings a bell, was it a nod (no pun intended, honestly!) to Ray wotsit's song - The Streak? @kelack, welcome back! Not sure if Matty knows what a camera is yet, not spoken to him for over a year now I think. I took over the forums and we all drifted and did our own things. Probably doesn't...
  13. Marcel

    Answered The App is dead long live the WWW

    Is that through the TP app, or the actual Tapatalk app?
  14. Marcel

    Answered The App is dead long live the WWW

    You're right, I hadn't thought about that! :) This isn't a be-all and end-all. I did just want to gauge member opinions on what they preferred. I can dig into the metrics and find out exact numbers, but I wanted to hear what members thought. The second one :)
  15. Marcel

    Pod Coffee Machines

    I have a Dolce Gusto that I use regularly. I sometimes use the official DG pods, sometimes the asda compatibles. I find Asda compatibles sometimes poorly made though. Sometimes, I think the pod is slightly off and the pressure pushed through it is too much / exit isn't clear enough, and you see...