Recent content by nickbee

  1. nickbee

    AlanDorset 2024 Week23 Vegetable

    Nice shot, I like seeing them in context. I like the processing, it's very striking. It's maybe slightly strong but I can't advise on how as it's all a mystery to me.
  2. nickbee

    Stardust's 52 week challenge 2024

    Well that's the cheeriest shot of the week in the bag!
  3. nickbee

    weekly Oy's Weekly Photo Thingamabob for 2024 : WEEK 23 : Vegetable

    Great light to have found considering you were in a farm shop, certainly good enough not to dwell on whether mushrooms are really vegetables. ;)
  4. nickbee

    Wornish's 52 in 2024 added Week 23: Vegetable

    A good idea to open it up, it makes for an interesting view.
  5. nickbee

    The TP 52 - 2024 Post your images here ( No comments) Week 24 Decay

    Week 23 - Vegetable (link)
  6. nickbee

    Nickbee's 2024 52 - Week 23 Vegetable

    Week 23 - Vegetables Week 23 - Vegetables by nickbrotherston, on Flickr I waited all week to give myself the chance to think up something cool and never did. But what's cooler than cool? Ice cold.
  7. nickbee

    Nickbee's 2024 52 - Week 23 Vegetable

    Thank you Can you imagine! That would be a whole different ball game. Thanks. I didn't know what it was until after I took the photo so this has been a learning experience. It seemed easier to carry on than think up a new idea, The butterfly turned up by luck! I originally went to post...
  8. nickbee

    Critique required LC2's 52 Shoe Horns for 2024: Week 18 - Straight

    You weren't kidding! I think Blue Beetle is my fave - I do like the colourful cosplay stuff even if I've no idea what it is. Pretty much up to date now.
  9. nickbee

    weekly Boots' 52 for 2024

    I can't believe @-Oy- came on here just to make a sheep pun. The shear audacity! Anyway, critter box ticked, now off for a job in nature documentaries.
  10. nickbee

    weekly rpn's 52 Photo Challenge 2024 - Week 23 VEGETABLE Added

    Arches - that's a handsome arcade, well found Weather - good job of capturing the haziness, when I try it usually just looks overexposed Critters - I didn't notice the war wounds at first glance, not so innocent after all!
  11. nickbee

    weekly firewireguy 52 / 2024 Week 23 - Vegetable

    Lovely shot, I'm sure you'll grow to treasure that in the future.
  12. nickbee

    weekly cptnm's 52 for 2024 - Week 23 - Vegetable

    Good critters shot. I see what you mean about the second one, but I think it looks better rotated 90 degrees (or so the ant's climbing vertically). Ants won't solve your aphid problem, they're probably the cause of it.
  13. nickbee

    weekly bullinachinashop crashes into 52 for 2024

    Hi The links from the main thread don't work. Can you see in the top-right of each post there's a little share icon beside the post number? If you hover over that it'll show you a link directly to the post on this thread. Copy that and then use the insert link function to put it into your...
  14. nickbee

    DB5 52 for 2024 Week 23 Vegetable

    Arches - they're everywhere, well done finding something a bit different Weather - weirdly thought provoking, we mostly see weather through windows. Critters - the dust photo is great, yes slightly blurred but with a faster shutter you wouldn't have captured the motion of the particles so the...