Recent content by pentaxpete

  1. pentaxpete

    Some ROLLEI pics from Leonardslee Gardens and Lakes

    went on a Kirbys Coach trip Leonardslee Gardens and Lakes near Horsham Surrey - I took my 1962 Rolleicord VB for 2002 dated FUJI RMS E6 film and my 1956 Rolleiflex T for 2017 dated Ilford XP2 400 Super C41 film - I also lugged a TRIPOD as the LIGHT was poor and gardens DARK ! I processed the...
  2. pentaxpete

    D-Day the 6th of June -- a Remembrance --

    In 2009 I was lucky enough to be able to attend the 65th Anniversary of the D- Day Landings and although I was 11 years too late in joining the Army (n RAMC) the 'Real' Veterans I spoke to said " YES, you can MARCH with us in Remembrance of those Mates who didn't make it " so I was VERY PROUD...
  3. pentaxpete


    Here in Brentwood Essex in JUNE is the Annual 'Arts Trail' when shops show all types of 'Art' in their premises and people can wander i to have a look -- on SATURDAY was an 'Organised Walkabout' so I went on it with few members of Brentwood & District Photographic Club .. Our CLUB had some...
  4. pentaxpete

    Few from a LONDON trip with my Gift 2008 10MP CANON EOS 1000D

    I went to LONDON with my Great FLICKR/ Camera Club Mate RICHARD who does Press Photos there all the time, as a 'Tourist' from darkest BRENTWOOD Essex ! Had a walk around Tower Bridge looking for a Pub which one of our Club Members has taken and wins every Comp with it after 'changing the SKY'...
  5. pentaxpete

    Show us yer film shots then!

    Some on my 'Gift' CHINON CG-5 and 50mm f1.9 auto-CHINON lens , fresh FOMAPAN 200 rated 125 ASA in 510-Pyro 1:100 8 mins Navestock Church famous for the wooden Spire here in Essex Chinon CG-5 Fomapan 200 09 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr The River Roding near Stapleford Tawney , Essex -- should...
  6. pentaxpete

    Show us yer film shots then!

    Some 'AHHHH!' snaps taken over Shenfield Common Pond BRENWOOD using a 'Gift ' MINOLTA DYNAX 7000i + Minolta AF zoom 70-210mm f4.5-5.6, expired Fuji Sensia E6 film home-processed Dynax 7000i Sensia 04 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr Dynax 7000i Sensia 05 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
  7. pentaxpete

    Show us yer film shots then!

    I went to BRIGHTON East Sussex again on a Kirbys Coach trip with Wife and her Sister but luckily they went of 'To The Shops' and left me alone for 'Picture Hunting' -- it was BOILING HOT and SUNNY and THOUSANDS of people there so snapping was difficult also I didn;t want to duplicate same...
  8. pentaxpete

    The annual 'TEMPLE at WAR' Cressing Temple Barns with ROLLEIS --

    Put on my RAMC Veteran's gear - took my 1962 ROLLEICORD VB and 1956 ROLLEIFLEX T with 16-on kits to the 'Temple at war' event in WITHAM . LIGHT was VERY CONTRASTY - I used fill -in flash from a small SUNPAK but not enough as many transparencies came out 'dark so I scanned as TIFFS , The B&W...
  9. pentaxpete

    Sunny so tried the Ilford PHOENIX 200 again -

    SUNNY WEATHER at last so loaded my OLYMPUS Spot-Program with a cut bit of the new ILFORD PHOENIX 200 C41 fillum - set 160 ASA as I read it gives better results -- but took only a few frames as the readout and shutter speed sounds looked far OUT on the OM SP -- so I CUT the film again and...
  10. pentaxpete

    Wildlife in Our Town Pond --

    I had some outdated FUJI SENSIA 100 E6 film to use up so went over to Shenfield Common Pond here in BRENTWOO and got some baby Moorhens, the Terrapins which have been in there for YEARS and the Famous Hungry HERON , giving my MINOLTA DYNAX 500Si an outing and U used the small built-in...
  11. pentaxpete

    Alnwick Castle

    went on a 5 day Kirbys Coach trip to North East England - first excursion was to Alnwick Castle - home of the Percy Family and used in Harry Potter films - I used my Gift CANON EOS 2008 10MP 10000D with a Tokina 20-35mm zoom lens and Raw Files
  12. pentaxpete

    I went to Northumbria with a 2008 10MP EOS 1000D and various canon EF lenses --

    SORRY -- 'Northumbria' was in the Kirbys Coach Holidays brochure -- great about that 'acronym' didn't know about that ! Craigside House --- I asked if they ever get anything 'knicked' and the answer was 'Unfortunatly YES'
  13. pentaxpete

    B&W Let's see your Black and White photos

    Here are some taken on a 5 day Kirbys Coach Trip to Northumbria using a GIFT 1950's Zeiss Nettar 120 film camera , HP5+ processed in 510-Pyro The Spray is at Alnwick Castle, the Rough Sea at Seahouses as we went for a Farne Islands boat trip which was postponed until the next morning . The...
  14. pentaxpete

    I went to Northumbria with a 2008 10MP EOS 1000D and various canon EF lenses --

    Kirbys Coach Trip from Brentwood to Northumbria staying in South Shields at mouth of River Tyne with excursions to Alnwick Castle, Holy Island, Farne Islands and Craigside House and Estate -- WEATHER was mostly GROTTY with strong Cold WIND, RAIN, Storm which postponed the Farne trip by one day
  15. pentaxpete

    Show us yer film shots then!

    two on outdated Fuji Provia 100 35mm E6 home-processed in BELLINI kit -- I had some 'Strange Blue Spots' on many and some other marks which I tried to get out - no idea from where they came -- Camera was a Yashica FR-1 'Saved-From'The-Dump' some years ago as I got there after tip off that a...