Recent content by PhotoVanGogh

  1. PhotoVanGogh

    Lightroom alternative for both Windows and Mac?

    @wxy087 if you're only using your cell phone just go with something like snapseed. You can't beat it and it's free
  2. PhotoVanGogh

    Lightroom alternative for both Windows and Mac?

    That was exactly my thinking. I had Lightroom since version two and always upgraded. The subscription gave me both for the price of the upgrade. I joined and never looked back
  3. PhotoVanGogh

    Critique required Photo Van Gogh's - Project 52 for 2024

    Week 7 Filthy, I couldn't find yellow snow but this will do.
  4. PhotoVanGogh

    Nik Collection - worth the money?

    second box down on the right has the options for downloading. I did try it and canceled it as I don't need to go through that process. But it did start to download. Let me know if it works I just read that you're using Mac and may no longer be compatible to you...
  5. PhotoVanGogh

    Nik Collection - worth the money?

    I was wondering the same thing a couple of months ago. I really only use the Silver Efex and was wondering if it was worth upgrading. Everyone I spoke to said no. DXO really hasn't made any major improvements to it and just seem to be milking the life out of it. Like everyone mentioned...
  6. PhotoVanGogh

    weekly RyanB's 52 for 2024 Week 23 Vegetables

    I love the gritty, high contrast, tone mapped look here. Great work
  7. PhotoVanGogh

    Critique required Photo Van Gogh's - Project 52 for 2024

    Thankyou. Its the start of a project that I have swirling in my brain.
  8. PhotoVanGogh

    Critique required Photo Van Gogh's - Project 52 for 2024

    Week #6 Neat & tidy. I had a few ideas for this and narrowed it down to these to select from.
  9. PhotoVanGogh

    Critique required Photo Van Gogh's - Project 52 for 2024

    Sorry, I was sick for a few days, than had a family emergency and work became chaotic. But I was told that catch ups were ok and I want to see this through. So, firstly my snappers choice. It's from a project that I'm working on and thought that I would share here. As always feedback and...
  10. PhotoVanGogh

    Beginner Where to store Lightroom Classic catalogue (and how many)

    Just curious as to why every ten years. Is there an advantage or is it just a space thing, speed? I'm just at 12 years and it never occured to me that I need to start another catalog. Unless you are archiving clients, I guess that makes sense, in my thoughts anyway.
  11. PhotoVanGogh

    Critique required LC2's 52 Shoe Horns for 2024: Week 18 - Straight

    looks like an amazing lightshow and capture
  12. PhotoVanGogh

    Beginner Where to store Lightroom Classic catalogue (and how many)

    I can't really add to anything above. I have an external SSD that has my single catalog in one file and another for all my images, I do work on a desktop and a laptop so I take it with me often. I will say that I add a 2nd external backup drive that when I'm connected to my desktop both those...