Recent content by Pick

  1. Pick

    Looking for Bee ID

    found this wee Bee in my garden, sat on plant for a couple of minutes before flying of.Looking for a ID.My friend said it was a flower bee.
  2. Pick

    Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

    I started of with buying these 2 diffusers, they are cheap to buy and easy to take off and on.
  3. Pick

    Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

    Pix taken with OM D mkiii, 60mm macro , Godox V350 and cygnutech diffuser.Coming over from Canon I am really impressed with this set up, will have to try photo staking with this set up.
  4. Pick

    Bugs Rosemary beetle

    Found a couple of these wee Rosemary beetles in the front garden.Love the colours when using diffused flash.Taken with Olympus 60mm macro
  5. Pick

    Bugs watch out its behind you

    thank you for the info ,I did not know that ants actively farm the aphids by keeping them all together and protecting them from predators.
  6. Pick

    Bugs watch out its behind you

    Watched the ants feeding on the Aphids in the garden ,hope they munch the lot. taken with Olympus 60mm and diffused flash.
  7. Pick


    Found loads of these in my garden, where are the Ladybirds when you need them. :ROFLMAO: Shot taken with Olympus 60mm with diffused flash.
  8. Pick

    jumping spider lunch

    Came across this wee jumping spider having its lunch. :ROFLMAO: , taken with 60mm Olympus macro with diffused flash.
  9. Pick


    found this butterfly it Looks like a tatty Small Tortoiseshell. I think it might be a Comma .
  10. Pick

    Wild flower ID

    My wife has just informed me its a Water Avens
  11. Pick

    Wild flower ID

    came across these wild plants when i was out for my morning walk.Love the way the rain drops sit on the seed head. looking for a flower ID
  12. Pick

    Beetle ID

    Found this wee beetle while out walking, there were a couple of them in the buttercups.taken with Olympus 60mm macro and diffused flash.It looks like some type of weevil but i am not sure.Anyone have a ID.
  13. Pick


    My wife was out weeding the the garden when she spotted some young spiderlings.She pointed them out to me.Shot taken with Olympus 60mm macro with diffused flash.
  14. Pick

    A Woodland Jumping Spider

    lovely capture, nice one
  15. Pick

    Bugs Greenfly

    I have greenfly everywhere, at least they are food for the Ladybirds in the garden. :ROFLMAO: Taken with Olympus 60mm macro with diffused flash