Recent content by Plain Nev

  1. Plain Nev

    Pentax closer to release of new film camera.

    I see that some leaked pictures of this camera have surfaced. It looks pretty good actually.
  2. Plain Nev

    When day is done.

    That's a stunner!
  3. Plain Nev

    My Braun Super Paxette project

    When you post you will see a little landscape icon at the top. Click on that and it will allow you to upload photos directly from your computer. Just make sure they are not too large.
  4. Plain Nev

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    Ah, just to muddy the waters a bit, if you go with Pentax you will also have access to Chinon and Ricoh lenses.
  5. Plain Nev

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    It's a curious thing, but the Chinon really does remind me of the Canon T70. In the same way that the CE-4 reminds me of the Yashica FXD. All cameras seemed to look the same at the time.
  6. Plain Nev

    Beginner Recommend a 35mm camera/system...

    STX1's are always cheap because you are unlikely to find any lenses for them. Fujica in general are solid, well built cameras. If you want to go that route look for something like the 605 that takes M42 lenses
  7. Plain Nev

    First camera for a beginner teenager

    That's true. Prior to digital I only had a manual camera and therefore only learned the basics, which is not in itself a bad thing of course. I have learnt a great deal more since I took up with digital though, with vastly more flexibility.
  8. Plain Nev

    First camera for a beginner teenager

    Sad, but true. I'm not sure I would recommend anyone start with film. Film is an indulgence you can practice later.
  9. Plain Nev

    Ricoh GR III Owners Thread

    You are an excellent salesman for Ricoh Mr Fish. You're certainly taunting me with an unexpected bout of GAS. :p
  10. Plain Nev

    Buying a new laptop

    I'm still using my Dell XPS I bought in 2011. Put a new SSD in, but that's it. And it gets used every day.
  11. Plain Nev

    Eyes Are Going - Please Critique

    I think so too. Could do with toned back, just a little.
  12. Plain Nev

    We are watching you...

    Ah, a party trick then. I can't help thinking that sounds like the solution to a problem that need not exist. It's the lazy persons answer to being organised. But then, that's progress.
  13. Plain Nev

    We are watching you...

    There is something I can't find the answer to at all in that article, and that's why do it in the first place? What possible function can it serve?
  14. Plain Nev

    What you listening to RIGHT now?

    I really am regressing back to the sort of music I used to listen to when I was at school. Real music!
  15. Plain Nev

    Show us yer film shots then!

    Minolta 300SI with Fuji400 film.