Recent content by realspeed

  1. realspeed

    Where can I use photoshop in the community? I don’t have a laptop that can download it.

    little tip Never ever work on any original, always make a copy and work on that for any editing
  2. realspeed

    First camera for a beginner teenager

    have you given any thought to four thirds cameras? A bit smaller than full frame but lighter as well with the same fetures as a full frame camera. link youi may well find a used camera here near to your price bracket. I...
  3. realspeed

    The Official TP Funnies thread ( Jokes Memes etc )

    Danne Abbot visited a school yesterday trying to boost her election vote. While there she looked out of a school window and saw some kids running about in the school field. So she went out to watch and there was one little boy standing all alone. So she asked " don’t you want to play with the...
  4. realspeed

    Finally, a way to store all my camera gear.

    I put silica sachets in my peli case to extract any moisture in the air, maybe an idea for you as well
  5. realspeed

    Finally, a way to store all my camera gear.

    One question, is the bag too big for a carryon for flying. I can just get away with a Tamrac System 6 if I go anywhere by plane
  6. realspeed

    Creating a "High Resolution" image ?

    it all depends on how large is wanted. Going too big then it starts pixelating. then again it depends on how many mega pixels in Jpeg your camera uses. Tip better the shoot in Jpg and RAW so you have the option
  7. realspeed

    camcorder reccomendation please

    another exaple putting stills into a video addng shape text and from mono to colour and of course music View:
  8. realspeed

    camcorder reccomendation please

    Kipak video is a new world in photography if you havn't explorded it yet you by now must have started to realise there is a world of difference between taking a still photo and a video each presenting its own issues. with sound you will often find videos with the original sound wiped and...
  9. realspeed

    camcorder reccomendation please

    Anyway apart from the above , re memory cards. I only use sandisk and only had one fall apart in over 11 years. So first things first. the spec on your camera should give the max MB/s speed it can accept. Mine allows up to a max of 200 mb's. Cards usually 170 mb's should be fast enough to...
  10. realspeed

    camcorder reccomendation please

    Sony AX 53 might be ok for you. but below is my personal opinion. hopefully not against site rules I had one and it was terrible. the hype about image stablisation is all hype and rubbish . that is not the bad news there is worse. you have absolutely no contro; over the settings. for example...
  11. realspeed

    Welcome to the Wex Official Thread on Talk Photography!

    I had no problem when P/X some gear with Wex, they even offered a decent P/X price for what I was exchanging. Yes i would use them again if I could not find equivilant item elswhere cheaper. At the moment even considering changing in all my Nixon gear for a Panasonic G9 mk2 with them
  12. realspeed

    Cape Verde - any good photos there?

    i think you would like Norway ,been there twice and the scenery is fantastic. last time we included the Fareo isle and iceland yes that bit of blue has our ship on it. Be prepared to wear out you camera with the nunber of photos you will take View:
  13. realspeed

    "Panasonic G series" Owners Thread

    Maybe giving some idea of your budget will help
  14. realspeed

    Time to go mirrorless!

    panasonic G9 on youtube View:
  15. realspeed

    Time to go mirrorless!

    Good morning Tim and welcome. I have had the same more or less thoughts. So took a serious look at four third cameras have used a nikon D810 and previous models over the years. so this is what I did and got the panasonic G9 not the G9 mk2 later version. I have to say at around £500 is very...