Recent content by steveb

  1. S

    Small zoom lens 28-300 - Nikon or Tamron?

    I can't speak for the 70-300mm mention above, but I do own the newer afp version which performs well both on my D750's and D500's and is acceptably light. I also use the Tamron 70-200 G2 f2.8 and the Nikon 80-400mm, finding them quite acceptable for my use but heavy to carry around all day.
  2. S

    The Good Old Days

    Before moving from Wood Green in London I remember the horse and cart milk deliveries, the same for knife sharpening, gold top milk (now only skimmed milk), the sickly smell from the Barratts sweet factory, walking into central London following the route of the Piccadilly Line tube. The entrance...
  3. S

    More car issues after garage fix initial problem - Again !!!

    Time to change your garage and possibly your car if it's regularly costing more than expected. I just did that, scrapping my high milage (165000 miles) Citroen C1 that had gearbox issues, front wheel bearings, corroded break pipes and just recently odd noise from the engine. It also has been...
  4. S

    Undecided any holiday booked for 2024 ?

    Four nights booked in Princetown, Dartmoor in June. Haven't visited the area for around 15 years. Then later a week in Yorkshire.
  5. S

    XL Bullies ? do we need to take harder action?

    I've only seen two XL Bullies. One was with its owner in London's Soho, and looked as if it was for the owners protection, trained to be 'tough'. The other was a youngster travelling on the front seat of a windscreen replacement van with its owner. It was good natured, was being trained, and I...
  6. S

    Hmmm maybe time to accept my 2012 Mac Mini is beyond saving!

    If your iMac was a 2009 - 2011 model they naturally ran very hot. The skinny 2012 onwards used to run cool but the bottom vents could clog with dust and fluff, same as the rear vent behind the stand. I've seen them with fluff hanging out of the vents causing temperatures to rise.. That was an...
  7. S

    Hmmm maybe time to accept my 2012 Mac Mini is beyond saving!

    You can easily disconnect the SSD's cable from the logic board and boot from an external drive running 10.13.6. If the crashes cease it's most likely the SSD failing, if not then swap out the memory to isolate that. If it still continues to crash then it's likely the logic board. To isolate the...
  8. S

    35mm film format Pro’s & Cons

    I still have the same scanner bought new long ago., and have retained a very old Apple Power Book with the last software installed. Later I switched to using VueScan on much newer Macs. My first scanner was a Polaroid Sprintscan 35, but it didn't last., then I used to borrow a Nikon Coolscan...
  9. S

    35mm film format Pro’s & Cons

    All the film I used to use for long exposures at night used to suffer from reciprocity failure to varying degrees, needing longer exposures. You couldn't meter a night scene and expose as per metering. This effected the speed of the film. With a digital camera long exposures at night will expose...
  10. S

    Refuse Collections.

    I remember back to when all waste went into a metal dustbin lined with a black bag. Under Buckinghamshire Council we have 3 bins, a green one with a green lid for household rubish (collected every other week), a green one with blue lid for all recyclable items (collected every other week), and...
  11. S

    Beginner Ready to Enlarge ... I think!

    My last enlarger was a Besseler 23CII XL, the best I've ever used. The glassless neg carriers would hold the negative completely flat, and its condensers in bellows could be adjusted via a scale to cover 16mm to 6x9. The largest prints I made on the base board were 24" x 24" from my Mamiya TLR...
  12. S

    Beginner Ready to Enlarge ... I think!

    I see used enlarger timers available, including the Philips one I last used. Philips also made one that included an exposure sensor.
  13. S

    Lovely new neighbours

    I can recollect long ago a similar parking dispute involving someone I employed. The neighbour eventually poured oil from an oil change over his cars bonnet. Then the police were involved. It's easy for disputes to escalate.
  14. S

    Arm/Shoulder Pain?

    In the past I've had a few 'frozen shoulders' that were very painful that required physio to clear up. I could hardly get one arm through the straps of a backpack, same holding a camera up high or reaching up to a shelf. Also if I jared myself it was very painful. The first time I had a...
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    Since they have grown MPB have had so many bad reports I didn't even consider them when I was looking for a second D500 body. Just missed one at Park Camera's so bought an immaculate low shutter count one from wex. Free next day delivery and couldn't tell it from new, its working well.