Recent content by zaytsev

  1. zaytsev

    Dhaka Brickworks

    Thanks all - much appreciated.
  2. zaytsev

    Dhaka Brickworks

    Thank you @gramps
  3. zaytsev

    Dhaka Brickworks

    Thanks @lindsay
  4. zaytsev

    Dhaka Brickworks

    Thank you @BillN_33
  5. zaytsev

    Dhaka Brickworks

    I recently managed a whole 10 days off for the first time I can remember, and decided to scoot off and get my camera out. Having enjoyed visiting the ship breaking yards in Chittagong in 2022, I thought that I would go back and spend a few more days in Bangladesh with different scenery in the...
  6. zaytsev


    Reading through this thread has put a wry smile on my face - Last Saturday the calibrated weather station on one of our construction projects here in Dubai hit 54.3 C (in the shade). It has also been very humid this summer with day and night temperatures being in the high 40's since June, but...
  7. zaytsev

    Photography holiday: where to go?

    I just came back from a trip to Transylvania and Maramures regions in Romania as a family holiday - I had wanted to go for some time but during the Autumn (without screaming kidlets and a screaming wife), and from the incredible Brothers Grimm fairytale scenery and villages I saw, I will...
  8. zaytsev

    Budapest View

    Thanks so much @G.K.Jnr.
  9. zaytsev

    Budapest View

    Thanks @Boots
  10. zaytsev

    Budapest View

    Last month I went to Budapest, a place that I hadn't visited for nearly 20 years. It was freezing (-7 when I took this) but the hearty food warmed us up. Taken from the Fishermans Bastion on the Buda side looking at the Hungarian Houses of Parliament, the light was lovely and said from...
  11. zaytsev

    The Address From a Bridge

    Nicely shot - one of my favourite buildings in Dubai, not least because I was lucky enough to be the director of construction for the main contractor. It was certainly a challenge to pour a new floor on each tower every 4.5 days, but the views were spectacular.
  12. zaytsev

    Chittagong Life (new pictures added)

    You are correct @gramps. I think that in Islamic culture men are allowed to colour their greying hair (with anything other than black) and it was said that the prophet Muhammad used henna which is orange/red in colour. You can see it in Dubai particularly amongst Pakistani and Bangladeshi men...
  13. zaytsev

    Chittagong Life (new pictures added)

    Thanks for the comments. Here is a couple more and then it will be on to the next place.... Bangladesh%20Shipyard%20Foreman%20by%20Vassily%20Zaytsev,%20on%20Flickr'][/URL] As well as visiting the ship breaking yards, we hopped on a small boat and within the river inlet there was a small...
  14. zaytsev

    Chittagong Life (new pictures added)

    On to the next couple of photos - I am doing them on the hop as I sift through them over the little time I have over the weekends. Bangladesh%20Salt%20Trade%20October%202022-6%20by%20Vassily%20Zaytsev,%20on%20Flickr'][/URL] Bangladesh is a relatively small country but has an enormous...