Dealing with weeds

"Excellent" creative style capture Gav, nuff said.
Nice photo idea there, brill imagination. I am a fully qualified to spray weedkillers and pesticides across land, dwellings, fields and mountains and specially qualified to spray into waterways and rivers to NOT harm wildlife and such. It appears a flamethrower licence might be required too lol !
Sheer vandalism - brilliant.
Pretty neat! How did you do this?
Hi Ashish,
Thank you.

Subject - Dandelion in a vase against a Black background.

Gear - Camera and macro lens, Tripod, Remote and a 'jet' lighter.

Method - Camera was set to Continuous shooting (7 FPS in my camera), fired up the lighter, moved below and just in front of the Dandelion, used the remote to fire the shutter at the same time as moving the flame into the edge of the white of the seeds. With in a second it's all over, I got three frames per head.

Settings - 1/1600, f10 and ISO 6400.

This was my first try at this, I'm going to try adding a flash into the mix to see if I can improve the image without losing the flame detail.
Wow plus one on this.
That’s amazing, thanks for sharing
Thank you, James.

"Excellent" creative style capture Gav, nuff said.
Thank you, George.

Nice photo idea there, brill imagination. I am a fully qualified to spray weedkillers and pesticides across land, dwellings, fields and mountains and specially qualified to spray into waterways and rivers to NOT harm wildlife and such. It appears a flamethrower licence might be required too lol !
It's overkill, but was interesting. Cheers.

Not what I was expecting! Nice one Gav.
Thank you, Tara.

Sheer vandalism - brilliant.
:p Thank you, Pete
I love how deep the colour of the flame is against the black, nice idea and great execution.