Grasshoppers Montezuma, Tatama, Risaralda,Colombia, Aug 2023

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Very nice set of macro/close up style captures David, legs or no legs.
Some of the IDs come a long time after you post them. You should certainly get IDs to at least family , tribe etcetera because your photos are clear, sharp and definitive. Do you post on the Colombia iNat?
Some of the IDs come a long time after you post them. You should certainly get IDs to at least family , tribe etcetera because your photos are clear, sharp and definitive. Do you post on the Colombia iNat?
I thought that it was one organization world wide - I just go to

I have had quite a lot of Colombian ids so I think it is one thing.
A lot of these I posted last year on inaturalist.
I think you can narrow the scope to Colombia if you want. Not sure how I set my account to Colombia but when I go to "Dashboard" I see only "New observations from Colombia".