Help printing multiple pictures on one page in CS2023.

woof woof

I like a nice Chianti
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I used to be able to do this but I've either forgotten or it's vastly different to how I did it in CS5.

What I want to do is size pictures and then print two or more different pictures on one sheet of A4. Sounds simple but my mind has gone :D

I would just do it in the windows picture viewer/print but the sizes are set and I want to choose the size of the prints.

Any help with doing this the easiest way possible in CS2023 will be appreciated. I've tried googling but everything seems to be photoshop related. For now I've managed by positioning one print, printing and then reinserting the same sheet for another repositioned picture. If that makes sense.

I used to be able to do this but I've either forgotten or it's vastly different to how I did it in CS5.

What I want to do is size pictures and then print two or more different pictures on one sheet of A4. Sounds simple but my mind has gone :D

I would just do it in the windows picture viewer/print but the sizes are set and I want to choose the size of the prints.

Any help with doing this the easiest way possible in CS2023 will be appreciated. I've tried googling but everything seems to be photoshop related. For now I've managed by positioning one print, printing and then reinserting the same sheet for another repositioned picture. If that makes sense.

Won't directly answer the question, but the process may help.

I have used CorelDraw since at least 1990 for typesetting and layout / DTP, and I still use it for what you want to do. (plus of course DTP)
As you mention, the problem with most simple solutions is the different sizes

Inkscape is a free solution if there is no other answer :)
I might have to go back to CS5 because how I think it worked doesn't work with CS2023 but I would like to know how to do it in CS2023 for future use.
As above, I'm using CS2023.

In CS5 I used to open the pictures I wanted, create a new A4 and just drag the pictures across but in CS2023 once the files are dragged across they appear as tiny thumbnails. At this point I gave up.

I had another go and this time under Edit I selected Transform and could then make them bigger however I can't see how to get them to the required size. I'd sized them to 14.3cm but in Transform they're measured in "px" but that doesn't seem to match pixels as when I select pixels under image size and make a note and then try to match the pixels as px in transform to get the correct image size it's completely the wrong size, so px in Transform doesn't seem to mean or match up with pixels under image size. So I'm baffled.

I can move the sized pictures onto a new A4 and move them about and make them bigger than thumbnails but not retain or recreate the exact size I want.

If anyone can help...

I can do it in faststone Image Viewer including getting the pictures to exactly the right size but I'd like to know if this is possible in CS2023.
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Alan, Make sure the resolution for the pictures you are dragging across and the A4 page are the same.

Thanks and sorry for the late reply.

I did eventually get there and I don't think resolution matters. My only issue was that when dragging the pictures across they appeared as teen tiny thumbnails and the sizes didn't seem to match but eventually.... success.