Recent content by LancsMak

  1. L

    Glare, CPL, and the "right" exposure

    Useful, I thought that might be the case with CPL but couldn't find anything definitive about fur, thanks.
  2. L

    Glare, CPL, and the "right" exposure

    Afternoon all. Bit of a blend of topics here. Some of you will know that I tend to mostly shoot dog events and whilst I'm mostly indoor I do sometimes do outdoor too. The challenge of indoor is fairly typical with low lighting levels, but it's fairly diffuse so no real issues with glare...
  3. L


    I'd try finding out where the config for your key programs are stored and see if you can back them up. The fact you're going Intel/AMD switch just strengthens my view to be honest, reinstall. Make sure you don't have the old drive encrypted and attach it after your install as an additional data...
  4. L


    It *might* work but it's a really really bad idea to be honest. Any slight issues with chipset or other drivers (which can be notorious to fully remove from a system) could well cause significant issues on a new system. Personally I've built many tens of machines over the years and would never...
  5. L

    Knowledge check..

    Wow I didn't think this would be such a discussion! Thanks to everyone. I certainly expected that I was missing something with my logic but wasn't expecting this level of debate.
  6. L

    Knowledge check..

  7. L

    Knowledge check..

    Just wanted to check my understanding/maths add up here as I was quite astounded. Tried explaining to someone the difference between indoor and outdoor photography in terms of light. F stop from 3.2 to 5.0 is approx 1 full stop, so half the light. Shutter from 640 to 1000 is double for easy...
  8. L

    Office chair recommendation?

    Willing to go higher? Herman Miller would get my vote.
  9. L

    Adapter for the Canon R-series - what should I get and why?

    I've got the control ring one and it's utility definitely depends on what body you have it on. If you're limited on controls, that extra "dial" is a boon. Put it on something like an R6 Mk2 though (my daily driver) where you already have 3 dials built in, you'll find it's only useful on the...
  10. L

    How high an ISO is too high (for you)?

    12800 for me. I mostly photograph dogs racing, and unless you manage to fill the frame with a shot then even denoise programs struggle to clean up fur adequately.
  11. L

    Quick way to get photos from cell phone to laptop?

    Cloud is the easiest, don't know if we could help with your reason for not wanting that? USB cable is next easiest as mentioned.
  12. L

    [Canon] Beyond 200mm - 100-400mm L II?

    I agree, 5.6 I'd need a very well lit venue for, thankfully the larger ones usually are. Many I'm down at f3.2.
  13. L

    [Canon] Beyond 200mm - 100-400mm L II?

    Some flyball events I'll be aiming for max 2metre FOV at 100ft which puts me at 400-500.
  14. L

    Thunderbird / Gmail / widows issue

    Clearly I can't see your screen, but are you sure they're not updates for various bits of subsystems software rather than W7? As a precaution I'd be making sure that machine has no access to any shared drives on your network.
  15. L

    Thunderbird / Gmail / widows issue

    Sorry to say it @Cobra but W7 is out of security updates and has been for some time, your system is at risk. On the topic of your speicifc issue it could be your need an application specific password if that has become enabled you'll be able to generate one through the Web interface of your...