Recent content by woof woof

  1. woof woof

    Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

    Today I transferred a Moody Blues LP to CD. It was lovely to hear all those old songs.
  2. woof woof

    The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

    35mm at 115% with a slight boost to the contrast and then the 40mm at 100%. I think that's very close now. As above, the 40mm may be sharper and it is the newer lens so maybe it is but I think these are so close sharpness wise after a slight boost to contrast for the 35mm f2.8.
  3. woof woof

    The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

    I thought that but then I thought it might be just the extra magnification or the slight increase in contrast. So... I've just upped the contrast in a 35mm picture and it looks just as sharp to me. The 40mm may actually be sharper but I think it is also giving a bit more contrast and I think...
  4. woof woof

    The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

    It may seem barmy buying this 40mm f2.5 when I have two modern AF 35mm lenses (Sony f2.8 and f1.8) and multiple manual focus ones both modern and film era, cheap and expensive, but I just fancied something new and getting stuff does make it more likely I'll leave the house to test it out and...
  5. woof woof

    cctv saves the day AGAIN !!!

    I think the cctv cameras give me a lot of piece of mind and of course enjoyment from watching the wildlife. One thing to think about is that one issue captured showing a problem delivery, anti social event or accident would probably mean that these gizmos earn their keep.
  6. woof woof

    The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

    When you see pictures side by side, yes, but in use would you think the difference between 35 and 40mm was significant? As I've used 35mm a lot I did notice the difference but after seeing these it's less than I thought and I think it is so slight that it isn't even a step back, more of a lean...
  7. woof woof

    Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

    I stopped at the seaside to compare a couple of lenses. It was quite dull and really like a winters day. Kids writing (mostly) their names in the sand. It took me three goes to get the symmetry here with those lamps on the left and right hand edges as it was windy and I was getting blown...
  8. woof woof

    The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

    A couple more 40mm f2.5 pictures again at f5.6. Signing the beach. Play me.
  9. woof woof

    The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

    I had to go to the solicitor today so I took my camera and 35mm f2.8 and 40mm f2.5 along just to compare the fov. 35mm f2.8 then 40mm f2.5 both at f5.6. And again, 35 and then 40mm. The 40mm is slightly tighter but overall there's no significant difference there, really. The first...
  10. woof woof

    First attempt

    I like it. She's definitely an interesting subject. I think f2 or smaller is your decision. I can't really see if the depth is too small for my taste here but it looks ok and the background isn't interesting so why not blur it out with a wide aperture? I don't think the shutter speed is...
  11. woof woof

    Beginner Upgrade Path

    I'd generally agree with that but in the case of Canon DSLR's v more modern mirrorless kit things have moved on very considerably in features, abilities and also IMO image quality. Of course if the OP is happy with the IQ that these older Canon DSLR's provide, don't want the upgraded features...
  12. woof woof

    The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

    Senior moment? :D
  13. woof woof

    cctv saves the day AGAIN !!!

    Yup. The police have visited for our footage too.
  14. woof woof

    cctv saves the day AGAIN !!!

    Mrs WW is in Thailand for 6 months and I know she's looking at our CCTV as she's sent me screen shots of me outside the house :D
  15. woof woof

    Beginner Upgrade Path

    I think budget and how much you have invested in Canon gear might need thinking about. I haven't had a Canon since the 5D and haven't had APS-C Canon since the 20D but from what I gather the APS-C Canons don't exactly set the world on fire. In your place and if funds allow I would be looking to...