
At least the rain has stopped but everything is sodden and damp, not nice. I've not checked the river level since the weekend, it was low then and needed some rain but the amount we've had worries me about my Kingfishers. Hopefully, I can check in with them later today.

It's grey and meh at the moment, 12°C.
Cool enough to decide to head along to Lyme Regis in enclosed comfort rather than open top fun!
Beautiful partly cloudy day here yesterday and today looks as if it's going to be even better. Its a lovely morning and the sun is just rising, 8°-C at the moment with hardly any wind.

"I'm just about to set on out as I love this sort of time and conditions, but I'll not be out for as long as usual today as I've got a very important football match to watch later" :)
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It's not been a bad morning, some light rain earlier but it's brighter now, broken cloud and sunny spells. A very pleasant 14°C at the moment.
Some very heavy rain due at 10.00pm right through the night and then heavy showers..'thundery showers' as they call them tomorrow so I mowed the back lawn. Off to Wales in a week and from June 5th the forecast is for hot weather on the west side. Hope that comes about.
Beautiful day here yesterday and quite warm. Today not as good it's been raining on & off since the early hours with a light wind and a temperature of 14°-C at the moment.
We got a very decent afternoon yesterday. It was dry and bright and I spent it down the river with my Kingfishers. They're very busy just now, which is good. When I packed up though, the clouds started to roll in and by the time I got to the car, the first drops were hitting my head. It rained heavily overnight.

This morning is cooler at 12°C , dull and grey but not raining at the moment.
You're not made of sugar! Go for it!!!
Yesterday didn't turn out too bad after all with some good sunny spells but quite windy. Today we have a 13°-C temperature at the moment with high winds and showers.
The only wet spells (REALLY wet rather than just slight drizzle) were when I was on the A361 North Devon Link Road and the last 4 or 5 miles of the trip back. Luckily, I was wearing waterproofs for the long spell and was on my way home for the final few miles (well, a trip past the front door to get some fuel...) The joys of "Summer" motorcycling!!!
Odd morning so far, lovely, sunny spells but now and again, it goes dark and we get a hefty shower.

Currently 13°C.
Yesterday wasn't too bad after all with quite a bit of sunshine but very windy all day.
This morning it's 11°-C at the moment with a light wind but dry.
Apparently things are going to change a little later with high winds yet again and rain.
Well that quickly changed, the temperature has started to drop, the rain has started and it's now very windy again.
Reasonably bright morning here with a few short sunny spells and 13°-C with a moderate wind and no rain just yet.
Well, we got a decent storm early last evening. It was about 5 miles south of me but I got an excellent view from where I was and I stayed dry. I was out at the time and my wife said they got it back home. A mixed evening afterwards, as it is today, everything is that cold, damp way but it's not raining, for now. Very dull and grey though.

Currently 13°C.
Well, we got a decent storm early last evening. It was about 5 miles south of me but I got an excellent view from where I was and I stayed dry. I was out at the time and my wife said they got it back home. A mixed evening afterwards, as it is today, everything is that cold, damp way but it's not raining, for now. Very dull and grey though.

Currently 13°C.
I'm envious....:D
Very overcast here at the moment with a temperature of 13°-C and a light wind but no rain just yet.
Same here but by the end of the afternoon the skies were clearing and the sun came out as the forecast High started to move in from the west. Off to Wales (Lampeter..west Wales) on Saturday for a 10-day break so the High is very welcome. We were there last year in September The garden of the bungalow runs down to the river Teifi and there are a couple of herons there, two GSW's visit the wildlife-friendly garden and a local buzzard puts in an appearance standing on a fence post. Red Kite and Osprey centre not far away, Dolphins at New Quay...a 30 mins drive.
The day ended well yesterday, bright and sunny but still with some hefty, dark clouds lurking.

Today is lovely so far, calm dry and bright, a cool 11°C.
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It's not very nice down here at the moment, 11°-C very windy and raining yet again.
Appalling weather in Boston UK , Cold wet and a strong north wind :(.
T-shirt weather today! Plenty warm enough up the Otter to shed the fleece and shirt.