Nifty Fifty Challenge 2024 - "Runner up" images


Challenge Owner
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Hi all

Feel free to post images here related to the Nifty Fifty challenge 2024, these can be your back up images or images you just wanted to share based on the themes.

Just for fun, no polls, but keep to the rules :)

Themes so far this year..

#1 Leading lines.
#2 Silhouette.
#3 Book
#4 Spring
#5 Shadows
#6 Minimalist

(No image limits)

Chat thread here.
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ok I'll go first An image that did'nt make it to the Feb Nifty Fifty. Didn't think it met the brief
2 images that didn't make it for me in the Nifty Fifty challenge this month.

Norrington Room Blackwells
by Anton Ertl, on Flickr

If you've never visited the Norrington Room in Blackwells bookshop AND you love books, then you really should. I won't talk about how it is arranged because that would spoil the surprise, but it's a very special place that I've visited many times over more than 30 years, bringing my children there too. It's hard to imagine anywhere more dedicated to books than this, in a city of learning.

And then the good G Chaucer.

Chaucer at the Weston
by Anton Ertl, on Flickr

And just a few yards away from Blackwells, the Weston has a Chaucer exhibition on right now, including the oldest copy of his work known to exist from around the time of his death. The exhibition was a little busy for easy photography, but this shot stood out for me in a brief gap.
So here's one that comes under the heading, "if you have to explain it, forget it."

This is a shot from a local car meet. If you look at the reflection you will notice the group of guys in the has stopped talking and turned to watch the girl on the left walk by.

It's not too far of a stretch to associate that with spring, per Lord Tennyson.

And yes, it's cropped. Another reason not to enter it.

50mm, f1.8, 1/320
side view 2.jpg
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