Seventh Challenge for the Days Ahead

Edit My Images
Thanks again to Be Happy for choosing my Gateway picture as the winning shot for last week.

I had an idea for a theme in mind when I found out I was to set the next challenge, but I changed my mind about 2 minutes ago :)

So the theme for the seventh challenge is:


I'd like pictures that show a means of getting a message/information from A to B, so this can be anything from the obvious everyday ways that people communicate to the more unusual (or less obvious) methods, or part of the process, or anything else you can think of - there should be plenty of scope here!

I hope to see lots of entries for this, as you won't even have to leave the house if you don't want to!

Basic rules are;

All new photos, the idea is to take something new within the time frame!
Maximum of 3 entries per person!
Limited PP, cropping, exposure control, sharpening etc is okay, multi layered cut and pasting is not!
The winner chooses the theme for the following challenge!

Entries can be posted from 8pm on Thursday until 8pm on Saturday, with the winner announced over the weekend (if this isn't enough time let me know and I'll change it)

Have fun everyone, I look forward to seeing your pictures :)
Can I suggest we do what we did in the previous rounds?

That is, entries to be posted between Thursday 8pm and Saturday 8pm with judging to take place after.

This was introduced originally to prevent plagiarism and/or effecting the thought process.
Hmmm. interesting ...
Can I suggest we do what we did in the previous rounds?

That is, entries to be posted between Thursday 8pm and Saturday 8pm with judging to take place after.

This was introduced originally to prevent plagiarism and/or effecting the thought process.

That seems a good idea to me, I've only done two rounds so far so don't really know how it works. I'll change the post :)
Mmmmm, interesting theme(y)
Just a reminder that you can start posting pictures in 5 minutes time! :)

Hoping to see plenty of entries! :)
Hi, wondering why nobody has posted yet?.....
Have I got it wrong, do we put pictures somewhere else?....
Ive been playing this game at home but not had confidence to post any entries yet.....maybe i should if nobody else is going to!
Great theme too:)
Hi, wondering why nobody has posted yet?.....
Have I got it wrong, do we put pictures somewhere else?....
Ive been playing this game at home but not had confidence to post any entries yet.....maybe i should if nobody else is going to!
Great theme too:)

Probably because whilst a good subject, not the easiest to do in such a limited time (to come up with a good result)! :bang:

No, the pictures go here!

You have to be in it to win it! So what if you post a picture that gets slated? Take some of the constructive advice, ignore the destructive comments (rarely does this happen, but if it does put it down to experience and move on) and use the opportunity to progress in your photographic voyage. (y)

Yes, a good theme, but not thee easiest to do at short notice, yes shots can be taken indoors if you want a product shot of a mobile, but if you want to try to take something a little more off the wall (or ear) so to speak, not as easy as you think. Remember, one of the original rules was little or no photo-manipulation as it was designed to be an 'in camera' (not as in the judicial sense) photographic assignment rather than an exercise in photoshop'ping skills! (y)

Good luck, and post away! (y)

Hi, this is my first upload, first ever entry....not very techie....please be kind!
Quite nice image, although I think it may be a bit stonger with the light sky area cropped from the top, I can't show you what I mean as you do not have the edit image ok available.

Good start though! (y)
Well done Smurfettes; I like the idea of the reflection, good start (y)

I thought this theme would be a challenge! :D

I'm off to take some pictures shortly :)
Well it is a good theme and I cant for the life of me think of anything apart from a picture of a stamp :thinking: :bonk:
Its a great theme, unfortunately i'm really busy and i don't think i'm doing to get a chance to do anything for it this week. I'll try my hardest though.. :)
Thanks Spiderseye:)
Good luck with your pictures today, the light here today is naff - hope its better where you are(y)

No the light's rubbish here today ... I should've gone out yesterday when it was sunny!

Well it is a good theme and I cant for the life of me think of anything apart from a picture of a stamp :thinking: :bonk:

Then I look forward to seeing your stamp pictures then! :)
Fabs - that's great :)

Cosmix - Good thinking :)

Here's one I took this lunchtime of a tree cunningly disguised as a phone mast:

Having rattled my brain till it hurts:bonk: these are my contributions





Cheers Elvis
Got back from footy at 5.25pm, had me tea, thought about what to do, had a flash of inspiration at about 6.50pm, emptied the bin looking for subject matter, cleaned and prepared items till about 7.10pm, got the camera kit out and tool some shots took till about 7.25pm, quick edit in photoshop and upload to photobucket 7.30pm, find thread, post and here it is, 20 minutes or so to go! Who says I leave things to the last minute?

Ancient & Modern

Turns out that this theme was trickier than I thought it was going to be! :shake:

Well done to Elvis and Ed for taking part :)

They're all good pictures ... I'll have a think and post up the results soon! :)
Some good entries, I got my days muddled up, I thought it closed tomorrow ... :bang:
I was hoping for more entries for this one ... I blame myself for picking something that wasn't as straightforward as I thought it would be! :bonk:

Thanks everyone for taking part; it's been difficult to choose but here are the results ...

Third place goes to Smurfettes:


I liked this image because it shows something that's essential for communication, that we don't really notice, and it's given some interest by focussing on the reflection in the puddle and I think it works quite well. (y) well done!
Second place goes to Fabs:

Evolution of communication


I liked the idea of the evolution of communication, from written to mobile/digital. I liked the composition and it works well in b&w too. Well done :)
First place goes to EdBray:

Ancient & Modern


I think this is a great idea, that shows how communication has developed. I particularly like how the image on the mobile leads into the centre of the picture; it's very well arranged! (y)

Well done Ed, over to you: please chose an easier theme for the next challenge!

Well done Smurfette, Marc, and congrats Ed.
Oh 'ollocks, well chuffed with the win (y) but now I've got to come up with something again! :bang:

I will have a think overnight and set something tomorrow.

As this week didn't have such a large entry I am thinking of opening the posting on Friday evening and closing it on the Sunday to allow another non-work day (for the majority) to give a bit more free time to get something in.

Well done to all the other entrants, and I think if Smurfettes had reposted her picture with my edit i think she would have had a stronger entry although I think the telephone lines are actually power lines as there are only 3 of them but good effort anyway and who wants to be pedantic?

Just for information, it was a lot more difficult to shoot than I anticipated as I had to balance the flash exposure with the exposure for the image on the mobile as well as dialling in some flash exposure compensation to allow the cans to light correctly. Taken on my 24-70L using the live view to set it up (oh I so love live view for still life shots).