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Had an Optech shoulder strap for ages on the camera but given that most of the time I walk around holding onto it with a flimsy handgrip I invested in the Optech Gotcha wrist strap. Its really good, I was dubious at first having over 3 grands worth of kit dangling from it :shake: and a bit afraid to try it out so I did it over the bed it takes the weight no bother and didnt move an inch when I let it go so I am quite satisfied that all their claims are true and would have every confidence in it were I to drop my camera. The only fiddly bit is getting the attaching strap through the Canon holder on the camera.
I am also able to adapt the shoulder strap so I can clip it on and of when I want it and use the extra clip on the shoulder strap to house the wrist one when not in use.

All in all a good buy I feel.
Well I'm a recent convert to Op/Tech for everything that could possibly need a strap! :D

Tried one of their SLR wrist-straps (they have @ 5 different hand/wrist versions) and loved the idea of keeping those short Uni-Loop connectors on the camera...dangling camera straps have always bugged me big time. :bang:

Not a great idea safety-wise nor if carrying the camera around for any length of time but I really hated dangling straps getting in the way of everything and stuffing them back into cases when packing gear away. :thumbsdown:

Have progressed from a single wrist strap for one camera body to fitting both bodies, both camera cases, LowePro bag, lens pouch, video camera bag, monopod & two pairs of binoculars with their quick disconnect Uni-Loops. :LOL:

Tried Uni-Loops on both big tele's but the plastic quick disconnects would have rubbed the lens or camera body so fitted some slightly longer straps to the lenses to move the quick disconnect behind the body out of harms way.

Now along with the wrist strap I have a neckstrap, sling & dual harness so can plug & play into any of my equipment and more importantly unplug afterwards!

The Op/Tech Dual Harness is more than capable of supporting two Canon 1-Series bodies fitted with 300mm f/2.8L on one side & 500mm f/4L hanging on the other for example;


IMHO the weak link might have been the quick disconnect itself but looking at the specs it would appear that one Uni-Loop has a static weight support of 146 lbs :eek: although their recommended load is a more modest 15 lbs or so :cool:

Not affiliated with Op/Tech in any way (certainly not enamoured by their UK Distributor who doesn't seem to know the product range very well or what to stock) but would recommend their stuff to anybody.

Took me a while to wade through the US website as I wanted my straps with the quick disconnect closer to the camera not either side of the padded neck part...doing that seemed silly to me as it would have left two long straps hanging off the camera in which case I might as well have left a strap on permanently! :wacky:

YMMV but I'm hooked...(y)

Kind regards,
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