Bird Photography Challenge 8 - LBJ's - discussion


TPer Emerita
Yvonne, pronounced Eve...
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Challenge Number 8 will be LBJ's - Little Brown Jobbies

ok, after some thought I decided on this theme for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it's that time of year when all manner of 'little brown birds' are more easily visible due to reduced foliage. I also wanted a theme that would be achievable for everyone, regardless of ability or location. SO from a sparrow on a feeder to a warbler in the reedbed, everyone can have a go at this I hope. The only condition is the bird must be predominantly brown and would be considered 'uninteresting' to the uninformed :LOL:

All images must be taken between Saturday 2nd January and Saturday 30th January, which gives 4 weeks. All usual forum rules about image size also apply.

Discussion in this thread please, about to post another one in the bird section for images.

Good luck everyone (y)
I'm not sure if mine fits well enough, its little and brown though:LOL:
:LOL: in a fit of post christmas generousity, and based on the fact most 'uninformed' wouldn't even spot one of these and if they did, they would assume it was a baby owl, I am prepared to let it in, afterall, the voting members will decided whether it really fits the theme i think ;)
Are Robins small and brown enough?
not sure now what we can post can we post robins there has been a nuthatch and treecreeper so are these allowed also before I post something

LO Kaz, Id have thought we could post robins and treecreeper, as they are predominantly brown, I wouldn't have thought nuthatches as their not brown, well they aren't round my way LOL
I don't know Yv, you give them an inch and they take a mile :D

Owl, Nuthatch, Water Rail and a Mallard .... and Robins

Kaz I should think you would be OK with a Golden Eagle to be honest, I had high hopes for Yv, I really thought she would clamp down on this blatant rule breaking, what is it coming to ... first the Wildlife Photographer of the year fiasco ... now this ... wait till the tabloids find out .... the embarrassment, the stigma .... I can see the headlines now "Prestigious Talk Photography Bird Challenge Debacle" ... I'm going to start shooting landscapes, honourable bunch those landscape togs, wouldn't get this on their forum. ;) :D

Being serious for a moment Kaz, I can see no problem at all, after all it is only a bit of fun, and the main aim is to get as many people involved as possible, if you want to post a Robin I am sure that it will be fine (y)
There are some nice images on there.......though perhaps stretching the 'LBJ' description somewhat :LOL:
not sure now what we can post can we post robins there has been a nuthatch and treecreeper so are these allowed also before I post something

I posted the nuthatch by mistake Karen, I saw LBJ and thought little bundles of joy,not little brown jobbies.

Having a senior moment at the time........:D
:LOL: Soryy, still amazed you are discussing it :whistle:

LBJ - little brown jobbies - predominantly brown and no one would normally notice them BUT as I said a few weeks ago, YOU lot will vote for them, if they dont fit what you think is really an LBJ, will you vote for them for next week? ;)

errr...FWIW, I do think a robin is an lbj, maybe just me.

Bottom line is this is a FUN competition, I have been trying desperately to get a good shot of the red wings since my neighbours asked my why they are getting so many lady blackbirds on their cotoneasters :LOL: I will prpbably end up with a dunnock shot. Post pictures of brown birds, your forum buddies will decided if you have stretched the boundaries too far when they vote :naughty:
Wish I had realised this challenge was around sooner! Bird photo's are on my list of things to try this year. Esp with wierwood resevoir reserve and hide so close by.

You may laugh, but my source of inspiration has been Bill Baileys Bird watching Bonanza on sky!
Well I dont normally do bird photography so this was a little challenge for me. It got me out for the day trying new things!! Not up to par with everyone else, but my entry is submitted (y)
:thinking: I think even I would struggle to justify Male chaffinches as 'little brown jobbies' :LOL:

Lol that for me??? Dont know what they were called, but it was little and brown lol :) told you I dont normally do birds :) gimme an engine anyday lol
Lol that for me??? Dont know what they were called, but it was little and brown lol :) told you I dont normally do birds :) gimme an engine anyday lol

Dont worry, you are not the only one, but as I keep saying, its down to the voters at the end of the day and its mainly about getting you out there shooting birds and gettin ginvolved, so if you have done that and want to do more, thats what counts Dave (y)
Dont worry, you are not the only one, but as I keep saying, its down to the voters at the end of the day and its mainly about getting you out there shooting birds and gettin ginvolved, so if you have done that and want to do more, thats what counts Dave (y)

:) :LOL: :love:
Thank you for putting this comp on for the month its given a real interest for searching for LBJ. I hope you have enjoyed seeing the entries coming in. Thanks YV.
Just noticed this, is there a reason the entries are posted in the Photo Critique and Sharing forum or is that where all comp entries go?
Just noticed this, is there a reason the entries are posted in the Photo Critique and Sharing forum or is that where all comp entries go?

Jim that is where the previous 7 Bird Challenge entries have been, no idea as to why (y)