First try at the Theatre


Brian Cox
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Last week, I had my first go at shooting Theatre. It was an AmDram production. Following the advice on the Theatre shooting thread on here, I attended a number of the rehearsals to get an idea of the story threads, get in some practice (as I'd never done anything like this before) and work out the limits of me and my kit. Gotta say, that was a damn good idea too.

Anyway, it was the dress rehearsal last week, so under the theatre lighting rig (which was far brighter, but more directional than the hall lights the rehearsals had been shot under) I fired off a load of shots.

I used the Nifty Fifty (fastest lens I own) and fitted the 450d with my 360afd but with flash firing turned off to get the AF assist lamp just in case, and there were a few scenes I needed it too. I took my monopod along just in case, and a good job too as I needed that as well (although none of the shots below were taken with it).

I really enjoyed myself and learnt a huge amount about the different techniques, my abilities and my camera and lens limitations. I hope I did ok with the shots too.







Thanks for looking, any and all comments welcome. Any advice gratefully received.
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Well done John and these look so different from the other rehearsal shots I've seen from hell of a challenge this if its your first go under those lighting conditions!

#1, #4 and #6 stand out for me here - colours look very natural too!

I'm assuming #2 was under a red spotlight though :)?

Good set, look forward to more!
Cheers John... the lighting was totally different... I didn't really know what to expect... First job, was to get the director to set the main lights on, and get a custom WB set. That worked a treat... then a few test shots... one of them was posted up as White Roses to check settings etc (although I messed them up on that one.. ;))..

#2 was under a red spot from front right and a green spot from front left (as we are looking at it). I chose to leave the colour cast as was, after all that was how the director had chosen it for the production :D
These are great John. Certainly a long way from the first rehearsal you posted. You've done well with the lighting and particularly #1 and #5 for me. Excellent job (y)
I bet the AmDram company is really delighted with your work, John. All your hard work and preparation has paid off - in spades. :clap::clap::clap:

Each one of these shots has captured a moment of (I suspect) high drama in the play, and I love the lighting on #2 - I think you were absolutely right to keep it as the director lit it. The diretional lighting shows how well you've worked with the stage lighting, rather than trying to blast it to kingdom come - it all adds to the story.

If I had to pick a favourite it would be be #6 because of the prominance you've given her hands, which I'm sure were expressing the emotion of the moment.

When's the next production? :) :exit: ;)

These are great John. Certainly a long way from the first rehearsal you posted. You've done well with the lighting and particularly #1 and #5 for me. Excellent job (y)

Thanks very much Darren. The lighting and backdrop in a school hall leaves a shedload to be desired... it was the lighting here that was my main worry. I'd spent quite some time trying to work out the angles to shoot from.

I bet the AmDram company is really delighted with your work, John. All your hard work and preparation has paid off - in spades. :clap::clap::clap:

Each one of these shots has captured a moment of (I suspect) high drama in the play, and I love the lighting on #2 - I think you were absolutely right to keep it as the director lit it. The diretional lighting shows how well you've worked with the stage lighting, rather than trying to blast it to kingdom come - it all adds to the story.

If I had to pick a favourite it would be be #6 because of the prominance you've given her hands, which I'm sure were expressing the emotion of the moment.

When's the next production? :) :exit: ;)


I hope so, my friend who got me involved loved them. In fact she wants more that I didn't rate as highly as the ones I provided to the company :D... I was being very picky.. and pixel peeping the eyes... although it took me longer to rate and PP all the images from the dress than it did actually shooting them all.. Thanks very much Jean.

As for the next production... I've got a couple of months at least ;)
These are really good, John, especially for your first attempt. All your preparation obviously paid off and I am not surprised that they are so please with them.

I'm looking forward to the next lot!

Good for your first attempt.

I sometimes shoot for my local TheatreTrain (If the show isn't in the West End).
I know first hand how difficult it is with lighting etc. I have been told by others not to capture them whilst they are singing or midway through dialogue as the expressions can look a little wierd, but then again as ams (or children in my case) if they are not singing or speaking they can have a look on them that can look like if they are unhappy, but what they are really doing is concentrating/thinking on what they have to do next.

I have also been told by others to try not just concentrate on individuals but groups of performers to give more narritive to the pics. Would like to hear views/advice from those who does this professionally.

My biggest rant is being given a (poor placed) seat and not being able to move away from that seat to do the photography. Also the dress rehersals, where I have had free movement and captured better results, but sadly the performers are not in full dress or make-up!

Anyway, it's quite enjoyable, especially as my own two offspring are in the shows.

I know people say it's the photographer and not the camera, and it's true, but I do think I will achieve better results with the Mk 2 5D than the Mk 1, mainly because with the better noise at higher ISO's.

I will leave you with a photo of Daisy from a recent show

Thanks very much (y)

Nigel... sounds fun... and that's a nice shot too. I don't get why dress rehearsals aren't in full costume and makeup, I thought that was the entire point ?

I'm not sure what/when the next one will be as yet.
Thanks very much (y)

Nigel... sounds fun... and that's a nice shot too. I don't get why dress rehearsals aren't in full costume and makeup, I thought that was the entire point ?

I'm not sure what/when the next one will be as yet.

I thought that dress rehersals would be in full costumes and make-up and probably with most Companies they are, but not with my local TT:crying:

Is fun, at least for me, as it is doing something different not only from my regular business, but from my regular photography.

Hope you get another one soon and get some more cracking shots!

I posted the one of Daisy cos she's my daughter...(and I'm emotionally attached ;) ), but I think she saw that damn white lens. Why don't Canon produce a black alternative? :D
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