Some of my snakes.

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Following from my thread in the equipment area...

Some pics taken by my mates.





And here are some phone pictures..I've got some potential considering these are taken with an iPhone :wave:






To show the pattern of the Gaboons:

And the size of one of my cobras at the moment: (awful quality i know!)
Awesome snakes!
I look forward to seeing some more of your shots when you get your new camera sorted.
I must admit I don't mind snakes, but I have never even handled one. My guess would be that your place might not be the best place to learn.:LOL:
Without appearing to be rude, why do you keep such dangerous snakes? :shrug:
That is a genuine question by the way, I am interested to know the answer.
Or is it just the extreme end of the "hobby"?
I assume one needs a special dangerous animals licence or something.
Sorry, forgot to say in my post, they are beautiful animals.
Awesome snakes!
I look forward to seeing some more of your shots when you get your new camera sorted.
I must admit I don't mind snakes, but I have never even handled one. My guess would be that your place might not be the best place to learn.:LOL:
Without appearing to be rude, why do you keep such dangerous snakes? :shrug:
That is a genuine question by the way, I am interested to know the answer.
Or is it just the extreme end of the "hobby"?
I assume one needs a special dangerous animals licence or something.

No offense taken :)

My place wouldn't be the best place to learn for sure :LOL:.

The reason is primarily their beauty, they're such stunning animals and the look you get with venomous snakes you just don't find in non venomous. I love all animals anyway (apart from spiders and insects!!), it just so happens that the ones i find most appealing are dangerous..venomous snakes, tigers, lions, sharks, crocodilians etc. Oh yeah, you do need a license!

Where abouts are you in the country? There are loads of good reptile shops, you should go along and hold a snake or two. You never know you may come out with a new pet ;) There are many docile snakes out there, reptile keeping is growing massively in popularity! Such a wide range of things to keep.

beautiful selection of hots! stunning animals and cracking shots!

Thank you :)
Some great photos there - how many snakes do you have? The green one with yellow eyes is awesome but also a bit scary! :)
Great shots...

I can't believe you have Gaboon vipers. If that were to bite you and you couldn't get anti venom in time, wouldn't you die a horrible death in about 20 minutes???

LOL Sorry - I'm a bit more direct that Gary.

I find snakes fascinating, seen mannnnnnny documentaries on them!
Great shots...

I can't believe you have Gaboon vipers. If that were to bite you and you couldn't get anti venom in time, wouldn't you die a horrible death in about 20 minutes???

LOL Sorry - I'm a bit more direct that Gary.

I find snakes fascinating, seen mannnnnnny documentaries on them!

Haha, if it were to hit an artery then you could potentially die within 10 mins or less.

But generally, with venomous snake bites from vipers if it's injected into muscle tissue you stand a good chance of surviving. But a Gaboon is definitely one of the most dangerous vipers because of the amount of venom injected.

But no generally you wouldn't just drop dead there and then lol. As long as you get to hospital within a certain time to receive care you should be ok in this day and age. Treatment for snake bites is very effective in modern countries, EU, States, Aus etc.

Some great photos there - how many snakes do you have? The green one with yellow eyes is awesome but also a bit scary! :)

Thanks! Not many, only 8 at the moment. Should have around 20-30 by the end of next year!