Thumbing pages

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Hi all,

My Tamron 90mm Macro came today and I love it!

This is one of the first shots I took with it. Short of time, ideas and subjects but eager to have a play I grabbed a book and rattled off a few shots. I thought I'd give thumbing pages a go, with the idea of catching a word in focus but getting the blur of the pages and other words. Below is the best of the lot I took. I like it, but can't make my mind up if it is a keeper. I'd love to hear you opinions on it.

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Rob (y)
Nice idea Rob, but doesn't work for me to be honest. Not sure why though, nothing I can really put my finger on. Enjoy the lens. I look forward to other pics soon
Yoyoyo! Fancy seeing you here :D

I think the simple problem here, it is too abstract and its not meant to be (IMO). I think the idea can work very well, but it must be very hard to execute. I reckon you should keep trying to nail this idea, and others should also try, myself included. Sounds like a tough and cool shot :)

Cheers Gary!

I think your right about it being to abstract. The framing is to tight to give a real sense of the book i guess.
I'm out of time tonight but will keep trying until i get it right. I tell you what though, flicking the book with one hand whist taking the shot handheld made it a tad difficult!! I think its a tripod job with my new wireless remote to make it easier.
Cheers Gary!

I think your right about it being to abstract. The framing is to tight to give a real sense of the book i guess.
I'm out of time tonight but will keep trying until i get it right. I tell you what though, flicking the book with one hand whist taking the shot handheld made it a tad difficult!! I think its a tripod job with my new wireless remote to make it easier.

Look forward to seeing you nail the shot.

I think its a tripod job with my new wireless remote to make it easier.

It's a novel idea Boom Boom! Really it is..
Have you checked if your camera has an auto continuous shot mode? I think my 450D has something along those lines.. it might help if you can set it to take photos while you concentrate on thumbing through the pages casually.

Original image just doesn't show the context of what you are trying.. at first I thought I was looking through gaps of something but didn't realise it was pages.

I hope we see more attempts!
When I first saw it I struggled to guess what it was. I did eventually get there.

As it is it doesn't work.

As an idea I think it's great and you should perservere. If you can get one shot with a single word to stand out it would be very impressive.

Definite tripod job. Flash to 'freeze' a page?

Keep trying.
It would work for me if I could see more of the word, otherwise everything is executed very nicely. A unique idea that creates oppourtunity on a dull subject. I'm going to give this a go tommorrow and see what I come up with!
i think its a good idea but not executed to its full potential. more of the word would be good but i imagine this took a fair few goes to get this! :bang:
It doesnae work for me I'm afraid, as I had to read the descriptive paragraph to find out what it actually is. It might be worth a try using the corner of the book, so that it's a bit more obvious what it is :shrug: plus, the page numbers might be an interesting addition... nice experiment though (y)
I think, like most people here. I like the idea and think if you could get it spot on would make a great shot. As it is right now I struggle to work out what it is.
cheers peeps!

Try and try again seems to be the answer here, I'll give it another go and post the results, All points taken on board.

In agreement about the 'what is it?' sentiments above... I think it's quite a difficult thing to get right, especially the angle and framing of it. I think the below is quite a good effort (I'm sure Shirley won't mind me using this as an example), but not macro...

I can make out the 'cre' and a bit higher theres a fainter 'ap' then in the top right something like ''. I think it would help if there was a single, fully legible word to give it some meaning and less of the distractions of the other part words.... maybe.... :shrug: :thinking:
As stated by others if just one word is caught sharp thats nailed it, then the frustration at then trying to get an exact word:D
Yeah, good idea, just not executed too well. I would persevere with it though and have another stab.
I like the idea but feel there isnt enough of the word to give this a real punch, and feel that some more contrast might be needed also.

Thanks to all for you help, very much appreciated.
Nice idea... I think there's definite potential for development here. It's not really working as it standing IMO, but if you could slow down the flicking, or speed up the shutter to get a little more wording in focus, I think it's worth playing with.
I have to say, whilst the shot I took hasn't worked I am quite pleased that people have seen potential in the idea. I do struggle to have "arty" ideas.

I hope tomorrow afternoon to have another go. Had an idea with some off cam lighting to help it too. We shall see though!!
For me, the shot doesnt leap out as to what I'm actually looking at. It feels a little blurry and slightly to close to the book. I do like the idea though and I think if you experiment a little more you might get some nice shots.