Got my eye on you.


Is always right
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Now I've got the D300 I've been having a little play with some off camera flash work. I don't think my cat was too impressed with having a flashgun going off in front of his face while he was sleeping.

SB800 to the right of the camera with a small soft box, flashgun was set to TTL for the moment.

C&C please


Here's the setup shot if anyone is interested in it.
beautiful dof and feeling to it! i never knew you could get those mini soft boxes, how cool!
you make a card out of that, a funny you know, i'm sure it would sell. cute cat and lovely shot.
beautiful dof and feeling to it! i never knew you could get those mini soft boxes, how cool!
Thanks, a had a play with various aperture settings but loved this one the most. The soft box came with a flashgun I bought off eBay. It folds completely flat which is cool, got some other nice toys with the flashgun aswell.

Like it, you will find your hair knitted to the pillow in the morning.
Thanks James, the cat never sleeps on the pillow LOL, he does enjoy sleeping on my shoulder though.

you make a card out of that, a funny you know, i'm sure it would sell. cute cat and lovely shot.
Thanks for that, I might look into making it into a card.
Hi Dal,

IMO, unless going for a very specific effect, it's much better to have the light coming from higher up and angled downward, almost mimicking the sun.

Placement of the shadows can make or break the mood of a shot sometimes, so have an experiment with higher positioning.

Also the kittypuss is in quite a difficult spot there, bed covers are restricting your framing.

Maybe try to set up a scene that's a little more interesting and creative, say a wooden chair with a plain wall as a background, light from high up and off to one side. (y)
Thanks for that Thomas, thats brilliant.

I'll give the higher lighting a try, hopefully tonight. As for putting him on a chair, that might be difficult as he is pretty stuborn and usually buggers off, or walks right upto the camera to see what I'm doing.

I'll try and post up some more tonight.

Thanks for that Thomas, thats brilliant.

I'll give the higher lighting a try, hopefully tonight. As for putting him on a chair, that might be difficult as he is pretty stuborn and usually buggers off, or walks right upto the camera to see what I'm doing.

I'll try and post up some more tonight.


Ney bother mate. You could try to ease the stubborn behavior with a little training, doesn't always work but if you produce some kind of food that isn't regular but very appealing, you could find that co-operation is their new middle name.

Especially if they're receiving it for just sitting there. :LOL:

My dog always came and licked the camera whenever I wanted to snatch a shot, they get used to it and play the game a little better through repetition.
Ney bother mate. You could try to ease the stubborn behavior with a little training, doesn't always work but if you produce some kind of food that isn't regular but very appealing, you could find that co-operation is their new middle name.

Especially if they're receiving it for just sitting there. :LOL:

My dog always came and licked the camera whenever I wanted to snatch a shot, they get used to it and play the game a little better through repetition.

nah, he won't sit there for food, he practically drags his food bowl off the counter while I'm putting food in it. He try's to stick his head in my cups of tea while I'm drinking them aswell, but he won't drink the tea.

As for dogs, mine tries to kick the camera lol, it's pretty funny really.

He try's to stick his head in my cups of tea while I'm drinking them aswell, but he won't drink the tea.

:LOL: Awesome! get a nice arty shot of that and your bang on the money there mate! :LOL:
Can't offer help on the lighting I am afraid. One thing that bothers me, I would like to see both eyes.
