Lastolite Hilite Background


Prefers Mac over PC any day
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Looking at getting one of these for use in small areas where I don't have the room to light a normal background.

Do any owners have any thoughts /comments they would like to share.

I notice they say it only needs one light inside but would 2 produce a more even result.

Looking at either the 6x7 or the 8x7


I bought 6x7 version and it barely fits my living room.
It is a beast. Easy to use though, I use one light in it and if you are photographing one or two people then it should be easy to get an even lighting.
Here is an example where I used the Hilite and one bowens flash.

One small softbox was used to light the subject.

I hope this helps.
Get the smaller one!

I got the larger one and I now have a nervous tic when anyone even mentions the dratted thing. It's been surrounded by the family on more than one occasion trying to fold it into submission.

Unless you have arms like a gorilla, try the smaller one.

As for lighting. I have three heads and it is possible to light with only one but better with two.

Also rather nice to use it as giant softbox. :)
I have the 6x7, the 8x7 may well be too big for many places and considerably more difficult to put away.

2 heads will give a better more even light although one will work, and try to ensure you do not have your model too close to the hilite to prevent loss of edge definition.
Thanks guys and gals :)