How was this taken?

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Shot though the doorway of a new disabled loo.
How? what were the problems?
The loo seat is down? :D

Mind you, the reflection on the mirror does look very out of place.
There's definitely something weird going on with that mirror! I can't quite work out how or what though!
with a lens that wide i would think converging verticals would have been a nightmare lol actually thats why it looks odd, they have had to re square the room it would have looked ridiculous without some serious PP !
i would guess its in a shop.. display.. hence no toilet roll and its all open ...
Mirror looks fine as it 'appears' to be a non-square shaped room anyway, hence an angled reflection. If its not, its been 'shopped well enough to be visually acceptable. I also think its new because its very clean [and the lack of loo roll], and possibly as a disable toilet has a very wide doorway or maybe a display item with an open side. Wide angle lens maybe with some correction in pp, or even one of those tilt shift thingies. WB set correctly or adjusted....

On the face of it it should be a diffcult shot with the right equipment, but I don't thng Terry would have posted if there wasn't somethig odd... :thinking:
I only used the equivalent of a 28mm lens.
The grey strip on the right is the edge of the door which opens out.
I will ask about the bog roll holder... there are none in the 16 flats either.???
There certainly was a problem with the mirror.

There was no problem with converging vertical ... Why?

The room was square.
Should this be in te TP official Toilet Thread I just cant find it

any ideas where it is Jimmy_Lemon the thread that is I posted in it but cant find it do you remember it Tom
Mirror looks fine as it 'appears' to be a non-square shaped room anyway, hence an angled reflection. If its not, its been 'shopped well enough to be visually acceptable. I also think its new because its very clean [and the lack of loo roll], and possibly as a disable toilet has a very wide doorway or maybe a display item with an open side. Wide angle lens maybe with some correction in pp, or even one of those tilt shift thingies. WB set correctly or adjusted....

On the face of it it should be a diffcult shot with the right equipment, but I don't thng Terry would have posted if there wasn't somethig odd... :thinking:

The mirror should be looking at the door way or just to the right of the door (from the way we look at it) as it is angled slightly to the right, it actually reflects the left wall, which means it would have to be square on to the camera or even angled slightly to the left.
First thought was with a camera (I know sarcasm .................) :shake:

Second thought was the mirror has been changed! :cautious:

Third thought was, why can you never find a gymnasium like that on a plane when looking to join the mile high club ......................... :coat:
2 photos from different angles combined in PP.

The 1st photo is everything except the mirror, at the angle they took the shot you would have seen the tog in the mirror, you wouldn't have seen the heater at all.

The 2nd shot is at different angle which is why you can see the heater in the shot, the tog was stood further to the right pointing backwards.
Presumably the lack of converging verticals and the bizarre reflection are both caused by using some sort of tilt-shift lens, but I can't get my head around exactly how you'd set up the lens to get these effects.
Phobic... is right about the mirror being an extra shot from the right of the doorway. but that would also give a problem?
I was indeed in the mirror reflection.

No tilt shift lens any lens could have done this.
Phobic... is right about the mirror being an extra shot from the right of the doorway. but that would also give a problem?
I was indeed in the mirror reflection.

No tilt shift lens any lens could have done this.

To answer your original question then, this image wasnt taken at all, its a montage of several shots edited together to make an image that represents the finished object.

A lens wide enough to get this as one shot, that wasnt a Tilt/Shift lens would produce converging verticals because it would have to be so wide to get all the detail in.
the only toilet in starbucks in cardiff is a disable use one - once i'd had a whizz i pulled on what i thought to be the chain as the cistern was high was actually the alarm

some lady came in a checked on me to see if i was ok

what a donut i am
Wide angle lens - DxO corrections I'd guess.

Bog roll holder is on the left hand side support rail. The one that lowers down. It's in the middle.
Fitted plenty of these in my time and would you believe it, I fitted one today! Very strict with the specifications.
Hand rails must be a different colour to that of the wall (not sure about that white one). As for the toilet roll holder, never fitted one, would you believe. The DOC M PACKS i.e. disabled toilets never have the toilet rolls included.
On the lift-up rail there is a small bar possibly a toilet roll holder as they do vary. The latest regulations state that there must be a basin and pedestal fitted for non-disabled persons.
How sad am I talking all this jargon on a Tuesday evening? I think I need to get a life. I think I need to take up photography! :) :D :LOL:
To answer your original question then, this image wasnt taken at all, its a montage of several shots edited together to make an image that represents the finished object.

A lens wide enough to get this as one shot, that wasnt a Tilt/Shift lens would produce converging verticals because it would have to be so wide to get all the detail in.

You need to think further along these lines, a very common technique was used for the main image.
Phobic was right about the mirror being shot from a new view point, but a single viewpoint was used for the main image.
one thing is for certain, the reflection in the mirror is not that of the LHS wall.... the profiles of the radiators do not match.

Cant figure it out just yet though??
one thing is for certain, the reflection in the mirror is not that of the LHS wall.... the profiles of the radiators do not match.

Cant figure it out just yet though??

It is a true reflection of the left hand wall, taken about two feet from the right of the main position.
You need to think further along these lines, a very common technique was used for the main image.
Phobic was right about the mirror being shot from a new view point, but a single viewpoint was used for the main image.

you have a 360 pano head that you've taken a number of shots with and then stitched together?
I might not know much about phtography methods like this. But is the sink supposed to be slanting downwards or is that a possable clue?. It's just that the sink looks a bit strange to me and stands out a little!.
you have a 360 pano head that you've taken a number of shots with and then stitched together?



Two shots were taken from the left of the door and a third from the right as I knew the mirror would be a problem.

I used a Canon 40d with 17-55 lens 2.8 at 17mm
a NN3 mk2 Pano bracket on a manfrotto 055prob tripod
Two shots in portrait position.
joined in PTAssembler using rectilinear projection (horizontal lines would have been curved in cylindrical projection)
The third mirror shot was corrected for the change in perspective in CS3.
and manually merged.

No flash was used just the available light.

The final horizontal field of view was 80.1 degrees.


As these sort of shots are impossible in the normal way I often resort to using pans. It gives strage distortions but they are rarely noticed by non visually aware people.

You do not get converging verticals when stitching photographs.
The thing that stands out the most is the pull on the boxing in beneath the sink, the rest looks pretty good, certainly nothing much that takes your eye immediately.
If you didn't know it was a photo of a square room you wouldn't question it.
Pretty good job..(y)

call me Sherlock!

that's a lot of effort to go to for a toilet :)

The whole effort took less than 25 minutes... I have taken longer than that making a single print from film.

It is part of a project for the local museum. It covers the original buildings on the site and their demolition and the entire construction and fitting out of a block of 16 flats for the elderly.

all in all some 630 shots kept so far... but as quite a few were pans probably up to a 1000 individual frames. The job will be complete and handed over to the housing department owners at the end of the month, so not more than 50 shots to go.
The thing that stands out the most is the pull on the boxing in beneath the sink, the rest looks pretty good, certainly nothing much that takes your eye immediately.
If you didn't know it was a photo of a square room you wouldn't question it.
Pretty good job..(y)

The perspective distortion beneath the sink is the same as you would get using a 28 mm equivalent lens, and correcting for perspective.
It is always ugly but predictable when objects of a known shape are involved, a square shape being the worst as in this case.
I might not know much about phtography methods like this. But is the sink supposed to be slanting downwards or is that a possable clue?. It's just that the sink looks a bit strange to me and stands out a little!.

It is a strange shaped basin and toilet designed for wheel chair users.
What`s the white handle for ? Is it to hold on to if you are having a HARD time