Moon shot - C&C appriciated

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I have seen some brilliant moon shots recently so I though I would post this for some C&C to hopefully improve the next shot.

Here's is my attempt.
Taken: 5 Aug 2009 23:06 (S.London)
Handheld OS=ON, Sigma150-500@500mm F8 ISO200 1/500s
100% crop.
PP: slight levels adjustment and bit of sharpening...


Although the sky looked clear through the gaps in the cloud there may still have been some faint high level mist.

Would I improve on this if...
Change to F16?
Change to ISO100?
Turn OS=OFF and use a tripod?

Any suggestions appreciated.
Not bad, would say use a tripod with remote release, maybe not F16, try around F11-F13, is difficult when the moons so full as you lose some contrast.
also, as much as the full moon looks good, a good way is to get shots of it throughout the cycle as the shadows give it more texture and feeling. :)

Nice pic though.
Thanks for the tips...
Not bad, would say use a tripod with remote release, maybe not F16, try around F11-F13, is difficult when the moons so full as you lose some contrast.
I still get a bit of shake on the tripod, even with mirror up and a remote.
I recieved a new heavy duty tripod for my birthday, I'll give that a whirl next time ... am also looking into some form of additional stablizer for tying down the front of the lens.

Not a bad effort for hand held by any means- I'd be pleased with that. A tripod would help but beyond that you'd need expensive prime lenes and/or a telescope to improve!
Thanks ... not sure if the softness is due to a limit in the glass or the way the Optical Stablizer works. If I try with the new tripod with OS=OFF that will answer one question.

Wow! I like it a lot!
Thanks iwap.
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not the easiest shot to obtain but I personally think you have done wonders for hand-held with a long heavy lens like that.
As above, has to be tripod, remote and F13 or there abouts.
My shots were taken on ISO 400 F13 and 1/125s. I used a x2 converter. Next time I am going to drop the ISO to 100 and shoot about F10-11.
This could be the reason some tripods are a lot more expensive than others.
Yep - I have been given a good one now - dam another excuse gone. :LOL:

not the easiest shot to obtain but I personally think you have done wonders for hand-held with a long heavy lens like that.
As above, has to be tripod, remote and F13 or there abouts.
My shots were taken on ISO 400 F13 and 1/125s. I used a x2 converter. Next time I am going to drop the ISO to 100 and shoot about F10-11.
Thanks - I am running to catch up with you at the moment :)

really nice, good job :)
Thanks buckas (y)
Hehe, I took a shot the same night, north of London though ;)

(this was with a Nikon 70-300 VR)

nice shot (y) - I cropped mine to 800 x 800 px to give a bigger image.