First Studio Shoot

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im taking a course at college at the moment..

and these are some of the results of my first studio shoot.

i was using a d100 with 50mm 1.8 lens. i had one soft box, and for some of the shots another light to light up the back drop.

all had some photoshoping some more than others obviously.


1. - josh and tim/Josh5colour.jpg

2. - josh and tim/josh4.jpg

3. black and white - josh and tim/Josh3BW.jpg

3. colour - josh and tim/Josh3.jpg

really not sure which one i prefer out of the two there..

4. - josh and tim/Josh2.jpg

5. - josh and tim/J-BW1.jpg

so.. these were from my first shoot, i think some work better than others.. im still learning..

any comments good or bad would be awesome, im really looking forward to getting back in the studio to try out some new stuff :D

second model looks a lot more comfortable with being photographed, however, a lot of the pics are very noisy for me,maybe use a bit more lighting,as the lighting used has caused some real harsh shadows and in no 12 i'd ps the light behind him out just to show his image, this is just my opinion and im learning too so please dont take offence;)
what settings were you using by the way??
I like #7 & 11.

Other than the noise & what looks like a bit of dirt on the sensor or lens
they are not too bad for a first studio shoot.

Im no expert but they are my thoughts :)
Get that sensor cleaned! It wreaks the whole set of pictures which aren't that bad. My favourite are the dark ones, because its normally suits them type of male shots/poses better.

Its a good start so keep on it. :)
+1 on the 'darker' shots (higher contrast) - these work better. and the sensor dust reminds me of the times when you'd do 'wet' darkroom work & didn't quite manage to clean the negative well enough.

good first attempt, overall.
thanks, everyone.

the camera was a d100 it was the college' camera, im not sure how long they have had it but im guessing a while..

so i imagen thats why the sensor is so dusty..

(im currently trying to get my hands on a d300 for myself, or if i cant find one cheap enough a d200)

also only after the shots were taken i realised i had a high iso and from what ive read and been told over 800 on the d100 and they become very noisy ^^ :(

as for photo 12.

i will try that, i was thinking it wouldnt look very good though because he would blend into the background to much? i will give it a go anyway.

are the file sizes ok?

thanks again
images have to be a max of 800 pixels on the longest side, a mods changed them to links but resize them and post them again :)