Recycling, Doggy-Style

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Discarded by the racing industry and seeking homes where they will be loved and treasured as pets - recycling at its best :) Pictured on Thursday afternoon shortly after they arrived at the kennels.

I find it really difficult to capture the essence of a hound’s character when I’ve only met him/her minutes before. Does anyone have any tips? :help: As they’re quarantined for 10 days in the isolation paddocks and kennel block I’m stuck with some ugly backdrops too; advice as to how I might make chain-link fences and concrete walls melt away (preferably straight out of camera rather than PP) would also be very useful :thinking:

#1 Libbie


#2 Gemma


#3 Moscow


#4 Penny


Thanks for looking :)
Oh god, they're gorgeous! - I absolutley love Greys and will definatley have another once I can have my own dog. They are just brilliant.

Background wise - grass, like with Moscow, is probably best - however the chain link is very well masked, and I wouldn't say detracts from the shot at all!

My local rescue I volunteer for had to unfortunatley, after a very long and sad struggle, put down two very young Greyhounds as they had an awful disease - luckily their two rehomed sisters are showing no signs of it and have escaped it.
I despise the racing industry :(:thumbsdown:
I despise the racing industry :(:thumbsdown:

Me too :shake:

Background wise - grass, like with Moscow, is probably best - however the chain link is very well masked, and I wouldn't say detracts from the shot at all!

My local rescue I volunteer for had to unfortunatley, after a very long and sad struggle, put down two very young Greyhounds as they had an awful disease - luckily their two rehomed sisters are showing no signs of it and have escaped it.

Re. the grass, I find that a bit of a problem with pale-throated dogs as it casts green reflections; they’re particularly visible on Penny (#4) just under her chin. I did something in Lightroom on Libbie (#1) which removed them but at the same time made her left ear look like plastic! :eek:

I’m so sorry to hear that your two youngsters had to be put to sleep but fingers crossed that their sisters continue to thrive in their new homes.

Nice shots.
Think I have fallen for Moscow!
Me and you both Charlie – he’s a really lovely dog who’d make the ideal workmate for someone with a rural occupation ;)
What a great set of shots: clear, crisp and well framed :)

Can't give you any advice Alison but it looks like you have captured them really well anyway :)
These are lovely (photos and dogs). I think the shallow depth of field works well and the backgrounds aren't at all intrusive in the 1st 3 IMHO although I will agree that grass looks best.
What a fantastic set of expressions you've captured there. I really think that these are the most elegant of dogs.
I've got a mental whippet and they are gorgeous dogs. Could we not adopt a TP greyhound? :) I promise it won't eat the hamster!

Moscow looks like a cheeky chappie but I love Gemma, just needs a nice warm fire and a basket.

Let us know how they all get on Alison.
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I'm impressed that you got them to sit still enough to have their photo taken. I've never managed a good shot of my dog, as she's always interested in what I'm doing and wanders over for a look!
What kind and encouraging comments everyone, thank you! :love: High praise from people whose shots I really admire which has boosted my ego a great deal :)

I’ve spent a lot of time getting to know these dogs subsequently and it’s been an interesting exercise to look back here and see if I did manage to capture the essence of their characters in those first hurriedly grabbed snaps.

How well did I do?

#1 Libbie. Epic fail! :geek: In her photo I think she looks feisty, sharp and a bit aloof. In reality she’s very placid and ridiculously affectionate; I’d go as far as to say daft and soppy – just pleasantly short of clingy. I didn’t portray Libbie’s personality well at all.

#2 Gemma. Pretty representative. She’s gentle and sweet, enjoys both lively games and quiet cuddles. She does wear that left ear over head most of the time.

#3 Moscow. Epic success - spot-on and captured the essence of him perfectly! (y) He’s a playful loon, utter clown, bright-eyed and alert; sees the potential for fun in every situation. This shot sums him up to a tee and I'm quite chuffed.

#4 Penny. Fairly close to the mark. She’s not quite as clever as her appearance in the pic might suggest! More loveable too and I’m sad that my photograph didn’t depict the soft, gentle side of her nature.

I'm impressed that you got them to sit still enough to have their photo taken. I've never managed a good shot of my dog, as she's always interested in what I'm doing and wanders over for a look!
That’s one of my main difficulties JimLin – they’re so curious and just want to come and stick their noses into the lens hood! Either that or they’re snuffling around with their noses on the ground enjoying all the new sniffs which doesn’t make for very appealing photographs.

I've got a mental whippet and they are gorgeous dogs. Could we not adopt a TP greyhound? :) I promise it won't eat the hamster!

Moscow looks like a cheeky chappie but I love Gemma, just needs a nice warm fire and a basket.

Let us know how they all get on Alison.
Funny you should say that Ali, Gemma is a particularly sad case in that she did have a home and fireside basket to call her own. Her owner has developed Parkinson’s Disease and is no longer able to look after her.

None of them would dream of harming a soul, let alone the TP hamster!
Ah, I can only very slightly see the green cast on th necks, although never noticed it until you said and I went hunting.
But, like Fabs said, carry on with what you're doing - there's nothing wrong with them!

Gemma does look pretty special :love:

Oh and Alison - the vet doesn't think the two littermates will or do have this disease, as they woulda shown somes signs, even slight, already. And they were more than your average loopy pups. Unfortunatley thought, it's just the fact that they're the only 2 surviving pups from a litter of what was originally 7 - [of which, by the time they got handed over to rescue there were only 4 of them] it was a heartbreaking time - and I don't wish it on any other Greyhound OR person trying to care for them.
Me and you both Charlie – he’s a really lovely dog who’d make the ideal workmate for someone with a rural occupation ;)[/QUOTE]

That looks like a very broad hint:D
It probably would have worked too but I already have a rescued whippet/ Border terrier cross!
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Cracking shots of the dogs.

I`m no lover of the dog racing fraternity,I must admit.
Great shots Alison. Moscow is the clear favourite of mine but all are good - you've done well to limit the background clutter.

The only piece of advice I can offer - and it is slightly more relevent to pointies due to the long snout - is to frame them with a bit more space in the direction they are looking.

Which rescue kennels are these for?
That looks like a very broad hint:D
It probably would have worked too but I already have a rescued whippet/ Border terrier cross!
You picked up on it then Charlie :LOL: I’d love to see a photograph of your dog – sounds beautiful. Are you sure he/she wouldn’t like to have Moscow as a bruv? :p

Cracking shots of the dogs.

I`m no lover of the dog racing fraternity,I must admit.
Cheers Fracster. Would it be rude to admit that I am missing your former user title btw? :geek:

Ah, I can only very slightly see the green cast on th necks, although never noticed it until you said and I went hunting.
But, like Fabs said, carry on with what you're doing - there's nothing wrong with them!

Gemma does look pretty special :love:

Oh and Alison - the vet doesn't think the two littermates will or do have this disease, as they woulda shown somes signs, even slight, already. And they were more than your average loopy pups. Unfortunatley thought, it's just the fact that they're the only 2 surviving pups from a litter of what was originally 7 - [of which, by the time they got handed over to rescue there were only 4 of them] it was a heartbreaking time - and I don't wish it on any other Greyhound OR person trying to care for them.
That’s so sad Leanne :shake: What was the disease that they were suffering from?

With regard to the green reflections it’s silly really, so easy to get hung up about photographic perfection when it comes to one’s own pics. You had to go hunting once I'd mentioned them yet they were the first thing I noticed!

Great shots Alison. Moscow is the clear favourite of mine but all are good - you've done well to limit the background clutter.

The only piece of advice I can offer - and it is slightly more relevent to pointies due to the long snout - is to frame them with a bit more space in the direction they are looking.

Which rescue kennels are these for?
Thanks Richard, I get your “point” :LOL: As the hounds were quarantined I only had the use of two tiny paddocks behind the rescue block so space was tight. Hopefully we’ll be able to play together in the large one this weekend where there’ll be more distance for them to gaze into.

The photos were for WL rescue, same as ever. The November Walk is on Sunday 8th at Bagworth Heath if Tippy fancies coming along. Looking at the weather forecast he’ll need his lead-lined spacesuit unless he wants to be a whippety kite!
I do not think Holly would like another dog taking over her pitch! Nice try though.(y)

The menace in question.
Cheers Fracster. Would it be rude to admit that I am missing your former user title btw? :geek:

Oddly,so am I.....................:LOL:

That’s so sad Leanne :shake: What was the disease that they were suffering from?

With regard to the green reflections it’s silly really, so easy to get hung up about photographic perfection when it comes to one’s own pics. You had to go hunting once I'd mentioned them yet they were the first thing I noticed!

Greyhound meningoencephalitis - Nasty nasty disease :crying::shake:
Thanks Richard, I get your “point” :LOL: As the hounds were quarantined I only had the use of two tiny paddocks behind the rescue block so space was tight. Hopefully we’ll be able to play together in the large one this weekend where there’ll be more distance for them to gaze into.

The photos were for WL rescue, same as ever. The November Walk is on Sunday 8th at Bagworth Heath if Tippy fancies coming along. Looking at the weather forecast he’ll need his lead-lined spacesuit unless he wants to be a whippety kite!

Ah yes, forgot about the rear enclosures - they are a bit small! Look forward to the next bunch.

Can't really do Sunday I'm afraid - Tippy is a) having a few issues with his front paws and b) a complete misery whenever he goes anywhere in the car!
That’s a wonderful photograph of a beautiful dog Charlie, thanks for sharing :) She’s even more gorgeous than I imagined :love:

Sorry to hear that Tippy has got poorly paws Richard :crying:

AliB asked for updates and I’m delighted to report that Libbie has now been rehomed to a lovely family in Nottingham (y) :clap::banana: :cool:

Gemma and Penny had visitors this morning so fingers crossed……..