Walkers bridge, early morning

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A shot of a bridge for walkers on my early morning dog walk.

Can see where you were going with it and I can think of a couple of things to try to improve it a little (Which is always a lot easier from an armchair!)

One is to straighten the composition, tis a tad wonky :) If you are going for symmetry it needs to be spot on symmetrical.

The other think I would be tempted to try is either a lower viewpoint (dog permitting) or a wider angle. I think there is a bit more drama to be squeezed out of this by getting low and shooting slightly up to get a lot of height into the trees.

There's a good shot there so well spotted. Do you think the dog might be up for another go? :)
Cheers, I think you're right about composition. I only went out with my 24-105 on the camera.
As for wonky, there's nothing straight on that bridge or path to it:D so I went for straight at the end of the bridge, but I know what you mean, it didn't look quite right.

Cheers for the comments
Oh yes I know what you mean about straight. I have a really annoying one from Manchester Cathedral the window is straight and the steps are out by a mile! Short of digging up the place there is sometimes not a lot we can do :)
I really like the idea of the composition you went for, maybe if you moved in a little closer and lower you wouldn't notice that the bridge was wonky? You cant exactly knock down the bridge and rebuild though! :D ha.