Our Grandson Joshua

Just Dave

In Memoriam
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Our Grandson Joshua, C+C Welcome thanks for looking


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Thats a lovely capture Dave,the eyes are great,some might say lose the dribble but I think it adds more to the shot. Thats what children do....nice one
Thanks very much Mick, I took the shot with my nifty fifty, and used the natural light from the window, I was thinking of cloning the little dibble but as you say that's what babies do, so I left it, by the way he's 11 months old
Anyone got any feedback please, as this is my first go at portraits, I have took lots of snaps of our grandchildren, but this is a first go at a portrait, proper, could I have done better and if so any pointers appreciated.
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I like it but would have liked a little more light to the right of his face, by having him face the window a touch more

I am not a big fan of square crops so some more space around him would suit my eye better but its a lovely shot and very sharp
thats really lovely - and the dribble definitely makes it! :)

and just think......

you can torment him for years with it when he's a grown-up! :)
i think thats a fantasic photo , well done

i am going to try those setting you used and see what result i get
Thanks very much Mike,

Mike I used the settings on the border and natural light from the window, look forward to seeing your images (y)
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aw he is so cute, love the photo too, leave the dribble its like you say thats what babies do
Lovely shot ( the cute subject matter helps I'm sure), but I agree that there is an imbalance of light - perhaps more on the RHS.

On another note - how'd you get all the info at the bottom and rhs of the pic?
aw he is so cute, love the photo too, leave the dribble its like you say thats what babies do

Thanks Carol he was 1 last Saturday

Lovely shot ( the cute subject matter helps I'm sure), but I agree that there is an imbalance of light - perhaps more on the RHS.

On another note - how'd you get all the info at the bottom and rhs of the pic?

Cheers Meeten, To be honest think that my PPing, it was somewhat darker, more contrast, so its down to me

the border script is Darrens (Cowaski ) early EBS js scripts think you can DL from his site or pm him sure he'll give you a copy of the early version
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You should take more portraits methinks...That's a great photo well done.. If it was me I would darken the right hand side and bump up the contrast a touch.. just to see what it looked like..
Thanks Matt

Thanks everyone Ive had a little go at contrast, any better, or have I not gone far enough, please feel free to have a go

My Edit




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Fantastic Capture I Really Like It Very Sharp And Crisp And Great Colours Very Well Done
