Some from my home town

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I went for a wander last night and ended up with these 2 images that I think kind of fit into this category...

This the clock tower from the Ashton Albion church.
I've often wondered what it would look like when photographed at night.
Well now I know.
I couldn't do much about the hotspot from the spotlight at the top. :(

(Click for bigger image on black)

This is the top piece from the war memorial.
I've never been really sure what the angel wants the soldier to do with the sword, maybe you can have a guess.
Again, you can click the picture for a bigger image on black.

Hope you like the images.
Constructive comments will encourage me to venture out more at night to photograph interesting bits of my town. :)

Just shows, doesn't it?
You can look at something every day and never really understand it. :)
Clocktower - Just a smidgen too dark - on my monitor it looses detail right at the top of the steeple. Love the dramatic angle of it (y)

Angels Battle - Perfectly captured - the framing is spot on too. The angel is perhaps encouraging the soldier to put down the sword?

Nice work :)
:clap: Two excellent shots Steve of a church I know very well.
The second works best for me also, very dramatic with beautiful lighting...Almost looks like it could come to life at any moment.

Great stuff.

To me the clock tower is a nice recording and technically very good, but it doesn't overly excite me.

But the war memorial really is something special. A lot of atmosphere in the lighting of it