On your marks, get set, Go!!

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Sprinter getting out of the blocks.

Hope the sound of your shutter didn't set her off :D....nice shot.
Thanks for the comment.
I did wait for the gun to fire :LOL:, there's nothing worse than an irate athlete.
Hmm nice shot, but, in response to your bump thread, gut instinct is no. Trying to justify that:

1) Face is a little too hidden, and the lighting looks somehow unnatural??
2) Front foot is floating, as the ground underneath it is out of shot
3) In fact, coming back to point 2, the lack of physical contact with the ground does mean that there is no demonstration of the physical power going in to such a position
4) On a related note, there is very little in the photo to suggest the speed and power
5) The yellow climbing frame at the back is a little distracting

As you can tell by point 5, I am getting a little desperate, as I would be dead chuffed if I had taken the photo:
1) It's pin sharp
2) It's well lit
3) Nice depth of field
4) Good timing [although possibly better if her rear foot was still on the plate...]

All in all, nice shot, but just not enough there to pay for (IMO!)

Hope that helps?? :shrug:
That helps a lot, thanks for the comment and depth of analysis, much appreciated.
I'll add a couple of my thought to Nigel's

A little more space top and bottom, the crop/framing is very tight, and I'd like to see a bit more space in front of the athlete, somewhere for her to run into.

Still a nice photo, and pin sharp