London Street (Saturday)


In Memoriam
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Couple here from the london meet on Saturday..not entered in the competition..sharing with you all..:)..





Great set, the last three are perfect, gallery material.
great set!!!
Great set. I really like the old lady in the first one, looks like she is showing disapproval of you taking a photo of her! :D
just to echo #2 expression is great. looks like he is about to give you a piece of his mind (or fist!)
Love these Dave but here's some thoughts:-

1) Love the framing of the lady but the headless lass in the background keeps grabbing my attention.

2) Brilliant - poor sod looks knackered :D

3) Love the pensive expression but again the annoying lady in the background is a nusiance.

4) Nice (crop off left side a bit?)

5) Absolute classic!! What an expression (y)

6) Similar thoughts to #1 - he's a bit low too.

7) Nice - perhaps boost contrast a tad.

There you go mate - apologies if you didn't want all that but hope it helps if you did :)

Love these Dave but here's some thoughts:-

1) Love the framing of the lady but the headless lass in the background keeps grabbing my attention.

2) Brilliant - poor sod looks knackered :D

3) Love the pensive expression but again the annoying lady in the background is a nusiance.

4) Nice (crop off left side a bit?)

5) Absolute classic!! What an expression (y)

6) Similar thoughts to #1 - he's a bit low too.

7) Nice - perhaps boost contrast a tad.

There you go mate - apologies if you didn't want all that but hope it helps if you did :)

Excellent comments Ryan..all digested and appreciated..(y)
She's nice, lol...great shot.

And from the other two sets you posted, all are very good - but I feel the last in both sets are nowhere near as good as the others.

My favourite shot is either her ^, or the man with the turban.
Great shots....I just love street photography. Each image makes you wonder....?
Excellent, not a duffer amongst them. Wish I could get my street stuff this good...

Just trial and error really,seeing what works best,each image needs different settings i find..;)

i guess you're right. After seeing your pics, I've "obtained" silver efex for photoshop ;) (y)
that last one i really like.

would you mind putting up the original? if you'd rather not then i totally understand. silver efex has also been added to my weekend "shopping" list.
Hi can download a trial version from Nik Software,fully working..i dont have that original to hand but here is another i have just been working on..handsome chap isn't he..:D


These new shot are looking good mate. I got one of the guy with the funky hair too.. And the guy in the soldiers jacket was very suspicious of me..can't blame him I suppose..:LOL:
Hi can download a trial version from Nik Software,fully working..i dont have that original to hand but here is another i have just been working on..handsome chap isn't he..:D

Cheers for the comparison and the extra info.

I find it really useful with the PP stuff to see where it starts from. In the original the luminous background jacket colours could be a distraction, which through mono/silver efex and then picking out the lilac on the ear-ring brings my eye back onto your intended subject.

Its also nice that it retains a depth to the image as i find alot of my conversions seem to go flat.

Its scary how much he reminds me of a mate i had at school, although his hair was a few different colours back then :LOL:
I keep coming back to these Dave - I can't say that about many gallery threads.

Love 'em :)
fantastis shots, enjoyed looking, thank you for sharing, my fave is the girl, and bloke on a bike thingy.
A great set Dave but the first one stands out for me, it's a cracker.
Some cracking shots there, wish i had the nerve to take some!