Back To Full Frame Again

Simon (Prefer 'Si')
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Earlier this year, I upgraded from my 40D to a 7D... Within a couple of weeks, the 7D went back with a couple of faults and was promptly replaced.

For the past couple of months I've been unhappy with the way the replacement has been performing and the results of a recent wedding left me having to do a lot more processing work than I'd ever consider normally. I've had issues with noise at low ISO's that shouldn't be there and I've also had a couple of problems where the camera has just locked up or died for no apparent reason. At one point during that recent wedding, my second shooter took a few shots over my shoulder with her 1000D and she was getting better results at low ISO's than I was! :bang:

On other occasions though, I've had wonderful shots from the 7D which left me feeling more than a little confused as to why the results weren't matching my expectations each time I used it. As a tool, it's been a very slick and intuitive device and I wish that a lot of the features from it were contained in the new camera but I daresay they will eventually.

So, it went back again today 'cos I've been tearing my hair out (what's left of it) and I don't expect to pay £1200 for a camera that doesn't deliver the appropriate results... Not my fault and certainly not the fault of the retailer (big thanks to Carmarthen Cameras by the way and Matthew in particular). ;) I guess I've had a couple of 'friday afternoon specials'! :thinking:

Well now I'm back on the full-frame wagon again... So far, I've only taken a couple of test shots but the difference is astounding. There's an oft quoted phrase of 'night and day' on here and that's exactly what I've found so far.

Hopefully it'll be third time lucky 'cos I certainly don't need that sort of worry shooting weddings. :)

I should never have ditched my 5D MKI but we live and learn!

A sunset beckons after dinner and maybe a couple of portraity type shots with the missus if she'll let me... :)

I hope the new one works out better for you. It is rather interesting to see such feedback on a £1,300 pro Canon body and I hope they iron out any 'quirks' before 60D and 5d mk3 (to replace my 40D).
another reason i'm not looking at the 7d, have seen too many people in your position!

Hope all works out with the FF
Keep my fingers crossed that it all works out for you Si.

I hope the new one works out better for you. It is rather interesting to see such feedback on a £1,300 pro Canon body and I hope they iron out any 'quirks' before 60D and 5d mk3 (to replace my 40D).

another reason i'm not looking at the 7d, have seen too many people in your position!

Hope all works out with the FF

Hi all,

Thanks for the replies. :)

Canon initially refused to take it back and replace it there and then 'cos I've had it for a couple of months. After a couple of rather pointed but polite remarks about 'quality', 'not fit for purpose', 'customer loyalty', 'considering switching to Nikon if they didn't accommodate me' and that I was using it in a 'professional' capacity (as well as personal); they agreed to allow me to replace it with a 5DMKII and pay the difference... which suited me fine.

The funny thing is, I really liked the 7D on a lot of levels but I really do think that 18mp on a crop sensor is too much and if Canon were to stick a full frame sensor in a 7D, they'd be unstoppable... There's so much to like about it but at the end of the day, it's the output that matters most.

I took a wander along the prom this evening to have a bit of a play but unfortunately, the sunset didn't amount to very much. :(

Let's just hope I don't have any more problems or I will be moving over to the Dark Side! :D

Si, I've also just moved to the MKII, not really used it in anger yet, but what I've seen I love!

I also saw the night and day comments, didn't really believe it myself - until now!

Glad I spent the extra few quid for the MKII rather than the 7D.

I know it seems like an awful thing to consider Steff... Forgive me for my weak moment! :nuts:

Si, I've also just moved to the MKII, not really used it in anger yet, but what I've seen I love!

I also saw the night and day comments, didn't really believe it myself - until now!

Glad I spent the extra few quid for the MKII rather than the 7D.

Hi Mark,

I really did have high hopes for the 7D and I know there's a lot of people out there who think it's wonderful. I guess I must have just been unlucky. :(

Have fun with the 5D... I intend to give mine a thrashing later! :)

Best wishes,
Really? How come Alastair? I thought you were happy with yours.

Must be bad if you're going to jump over to the Dark Side! :eek:

See ya soon,
Hi all,

Thanks for the replies. :)

Canon initially refused to take it back and replace it there and then 'cos I've had it for a couple of months. After a couple of rather pointed but polite remarks about 'quality', 'not fit for purpose', 'customer loyalty', 'considering switching to Nikon if they didn't accommodate me' and that I was using it in a 'professional' capacity (as well as personal); they agreed to allow me to replace it with a 5DMKII and pay the difference... which suited me fine.

The funny thing is, I really liked the 7D on a lot of levels but I really do think that 18mp on a crop sensor is too much and if Canon were to stick a full frame sensor in a 7D, they'd be unstoppable... There's so much to like about it but at the end of the day, it's the output that matters most.

I took a wander along the prom this evening to have a bit of a play but unfortunately, the sunset didn't amount to very much. :(

Let's just hope I don't have any more problems or I will be moving over to the Dark Side! :D


That sounds a lot like an EOS 3D...ooohhh that rolls off the tongue quite nice.
I have a friend who has just returned her second 7D, the retailer is checking it out at the moment. She has suffered from noisy (very!) images, and constant focus problems with both bodies (threatening to get a proper camera like I've got :D). So far she is not impressed, and has had better images from a 40D.
Hi David... It seems like this is becoming a little too common :(

Tell her to go and get a 5DMKII... She won't want any of that Nikon nonsense! ;)

By the way, say hi to Dave Hilton next time you see him.
Best wishes,
I've been on the fence for a while! 7D or 5DII - My mind is made up and I'm on the hunt :)
I have both the 7D and a FF camera (1Ds MKIII), and it seems as though you have been unlucky Si, as I'm very impressed with the 7D's performance, it beats the pants for a/f compared to the 1D MKII I had, the images are very clean even at high ISO.

The only time I feel it struggles is in low light, or where the moving subject is a similar tonal range to the BG, it can't (or not expected to) compete with the 45 Focal points of a pro body.

I use mine mainly for birds/action sports, and it performs exceptionally well.

And use my FF for landscapes/people photography.
Very interesting read, was looking to upgrade to a 7D, but now thinking to save more pennies and consider the 5D mk II.

Will try to find a local shop with both in and see if I can try them side by side - and if I prefer the 7D, can put the extra to some more glass :D
I love my 5DII! Its low light performance is fantasic! Heres one from last night, the lead singer from Ash. ISO3200.
