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OK, for some reason clicked on the link and didn't get the ebay page.

I'd guess it's a close up lens -- one for the lens and one for the viewfinder.
Hi mate

The seller is Austrian and couldn't really help me out, they mentioned it was a close up device but I don't know what the square window bit is and how it all fits together, and what lens it should be used with (I have a 45mm, 85mm and 135mm)


p.s pics in the ebay link above
Hi mate

The seller is Austrian and couldn't really help me out, they mentioned it was a close up device but I don't know what the square window bit is and how it all fits together, and what lens it should be used with (I have a 45mm, 85mm and 135mm)


p.s pics in the ebay link above
The rectangular bit should clip over the viewfinder.

Here's a photo showing what's likely a similar device for a Leica.

The Leica one is for a dual range lens so no close up lens needed on the lens itself.
Are the lenses all the same filter size?
Thanks for the help - I'm wondering how it all fits together as there are no nodes on the lens to clip the viewfinder to, and the little fork shaped part is strange too...

Don't think the one you're looking at clips together. The 'filter' will just screw onto the lens and the rectangular magnifier will screw or clip onto the camera body.
Yes I believe they are 29.5mm threaded and they take 34mm push fit hoods.

I think I have worked out how this all works. The fork shaped part will slide into the accessory shoe. The square window then clips onto the metal spike that will protrude from the front of the accessory shoe, and the filter screws over the lens.

Sweet, I'll buy it!

Many thanks

P.s if anyone has any extra advice or information I would be interested.
I'd suspect the rectangular magnifier will have a lip that goes under the viewvinder with the black bit folding over the top plate -- the screw would then tighten to clap it to the camera.
The spike has a couple of click stop relief bits, these will be for different mags... whether thats for different lenses or not I don't know. the square bit is not so much to show the mag in the vf as to allow for the parallax, much like the Voigtlander Proxirect system (from "proximity") though that uses a couple of inverted prisms in the viewfinder path to allow variable tuning from *real* close up to about 30 inches.

Thanks. Not sure if that's confused me more or not - I guess it will make more sense when I see the unit.

Mine is a Proximiter I - it says the Voltglander one works between some various focal lengths, but it might just be my tired brain but this sentance leaves me baffled - which lens do I use with this thing? 45,85 or, not cm!

"Proximiter I (focal length 38 inches or 95 cm.): 38 to 18 inches (95 to 47.5 cm.)"

Well, it's here - it seems to fit and looks right when I look through the viewfinder - this is how I have it fitted, what do you think?


I'm a little surprised how far out the viewfinder maginifier sits, but glad to hear it all went together.