Lewis & Harris this week.

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How's it being going here then?

I was in Harris and Lewis for work these past few days. Fantastic weather after the bad start to the week. So many photos to process. Just one tonight though as I must go to bed. This is me last night waiting for the light to improve on top of a Harris hill. I eventually retreated as I had no food with me but did not get back to Stornoway until 11pm so missed out. Then I got up early before breakfast for a flight this morning!:wacky:


Will post more as I sort them.
Its places like this I could sit for hours just being thankful for being at such a wonderful place on earth.;)

No sound, No hustle and bussle of the city life. Just heaven IMO..:clap:
First up is a shot taken from the ferry on the way out of Ullapool. This is the island of Gruinard which was only recently passed safe to visit following war-time anthrax testing.


Next is the ferry itself. This composition just caught my eye.


They make these on Lewis. there were three brand new ones in a row. Kind off like a wind turbine showroom. "I'll take the NX 1669 please!"


The tip are turned so it doesn't run the miles up and to prevent a prospective buyer asking for a price reduction. (I made that last bit up :D)


On to Thursday night now. Waited a long time for just this amount of sunshine.


The wait wasn't too bad with a view like this.


This was the view I was waiting take a picture of. If the clouds would clear the sun would shine and light it up. As I didn't have a flashgun big enough I waited for nearly two hours but this was as good as it got.

I envy your job Gary, I really do!
Last 2 are quite dark but still enjoy the atmosphere, the clouds are worthwhile of the shot alone.
I love the Guinard shot but may be tempted to crop the top but in particular the bottom to remove the 'wake' of the ship, if that is the correct expression.

Lovely 'grounded' shots :)
I feel very uplifted after reading this thread :) (y) ... some beautiful scenes Gary. You don't know how lucky you are living around that, wow. ... not true I know. ;)

Inspiring set, the turbines are great comps.
For a choice, the last for me, it's possibly too dark, but I love its broody darkness anyway.... fab shot.
Great pics a pleasure to look at....

Did you see Bear ?(forgot surname) last night on TV, he flew over Everest on one of your flying machines HupN...
Neil - Your job is what you make it mate (y) I only started up the hill after 5pm.

Adam - Thanks! Appreciate your comments and appreciate more the area I live. It is very dear to me.

Dave - Never saw it on TV but well aware of attempt. The son of his paragliding advisor (Terry Stubbs) will be flying with me for a special trip later this year. I hope to bring you pictures of that! ;)
:eek: Love erm all! They made me sigh a little too.. I bet it was magical up there? :love: It's been many years since I was last capable of climbing up somewhere like that.
Aargh! Jealous Jealous JEALOUS!!! As you know I love the Hebrides - frankly the two weeks I get there each year is far from enough but seeing pictures like these makes the wait for the next trip slightly more bearable.

Thanks for sharing and REALLY look forward to some more.......lots more.....PLEASE!!!