H (and I dont mean the one from steps)

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So here we are, its cold wet and dark. We're trying to cover a Dressage comp, the other half is out getting soaked and I'm indoors and is so dark ive got the mk3 set to H and its still hit and miss as to wether they're under a light.. plus we'be lost power once already.

Can we have the summer back please?
... last weekend i was outside at 1000-1600 iso at f2.8

it's horrible out there again today. going for a walk later, not sure if i'll bring the cam. yesterday was a nice change. back down to 200-400 iso.

even if we can't have our summer back, let's at least have a lovely bright crisp autumn, you know, with all that sparkly dew on everything in the morning
yowers neil... just saw your pic! i don't think my poor 5d could even autofocus in there.
It IS a little gloomy, but isn't that what Camera Raw is there to sort out? :D You did shoot in Raw? Paul :cool:
Her in doors seems to like dragging me to dressage (I get the job of transport logistics, driving the fat pony!), the winter series is looming.
I have had to ban her from Showing classes, last weekend we had to wait 2 flipping hours for her class, I was soooo bored ended up taking an obscene amount of photos.
Have fun today!
So here we are, its cold wet and dark. We're trying to cover a Dressage comp, the other half is out getting soaked and I'm indoors and is so dark ive got the mk3 set to H and its still hit and miss as to wether they're under a light.. plus we'be lost power once already.

Can we have the summer back please?
No not untill next year I'm afraid. ;)

For what it's worth I was running out of ISO yesterday with a D3, lets hope it brightens back up a bit.
Thanks gareth! On a break between classes now but are a lot of withdraws I imagine due to weather.. but I'm here till 6 today..

Getting some usable stuff though - http://biSPAM/bzA5Aa

Gail doesn't look happy out in the rain LOL
Gail doesn't look happy out in the rain LOL

Thats right I wasn't a happy bunny I was very soggy! :shake:

Although did get two bursts of sunshine and it kinda dried up for the afternoon classes ... plus got my sneeky snaps of the horses in the field which I think I'm happier with compared to half of the actual competition photos lol
What is H on the Mark III? 6400? 12800?