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I'm looking for an honest opinion on this shot as the rule of thirds doesn't apply.


This is sooo close to being a great shot imo

If some of the poppies had been facing your way it would have been much better.

Nice selective work though .... Red might be a tad too deep.
I love it, I can see that being on somebody's wall no bother
I like it but to my eye it's not quite right. I think the composition is spot on. I like the balance between land and sky and I really like the way they are all facing away, in the same direction. Almost like a crowd looking at something and the fact that the something is out of frame adds curiousity.

Where it falls that little bit short is in the balance between the red and the greytone. The red is very strong without all the comlimentary colour and perhaps could come back a bit. Maybe alowing some of the other back just a tiny bit would look good. Then again, a warm tone on the B&W section, like a platinum print. :shrug:

There are endless possibilities I guess but I'd certainly have fun playing with that one. :D
I'm not usually a big fan of selective colouring but I quite like this.

The Rule of Thirds isn't compulsory, but it can be made to conform here by cropping either some sky or some foreground. Personally I think I'd crop some of the foreground where it's lacking in colour anyway?

Thanks for your opinions chaps/chapesses.
I'll continue to experiment with this one.


I keep coming back to this one as I can't quite make my mind up! It certainly looks much better with the crop from the bottom as it loses all the 'dead space', but I liked the square format of the original! I think I'd like to see it a tad lighter as the greys are very dark on my monitor.
It has the potential to be an excellent shot and would look fab blown up on a large canvas.
Lovely composition and I agree about the cropping some of the bottom. Have you thought of importing one poppy facing the right way and making it pin sharp. Poppies are everywhere at the moment so you could go get one or two or three and place them in a tight group within the image.
photochop a moon into the top left hand corner and it's a winner :)

Seriously I think the forground is very busy and the sky basically blank so they kind of fight each other.
I think you chopped a little too much off in the crop, the poppy red is a bit off for me, but otherwise absolutely fab.