Probably a Very Silly Question (60D v 7D)

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In a previous thread I asked about the suitability of a 60D partnered with a Canon 15-85mm IS USM and the general concensus was that it's a pretty good combo.

Given it some more thought and with the prospect of getting a bonus from work, I'm now strongly considering getting a 7D instead of the 60D.

Apart from the cost, are there any negative points to consider i.e. would I be worse of with the 7D as opposed to the 60D in any situation?

From what I've read the gist seems to be "stretch the the 7D wherever possible" but I just want to double check.


The most obvious advantage of the 60D is the movable LCD screen - general opinion seems to think that is a good thing for shots taken from low to the ground.
Well apart from the moveable screen the 7D is probably better in several ways not least the 8fps, I don't think I would give up my 7D for a 60D just for the screen.
Imagine a hide I was n the other day. Probably shoulder height at most, with the camera viewing opening halfway between the ground and the top. By the time I'd set the camera and tripod up and got seated I was looking down on the camera and need to be a contortionist to get my eye to the viewfinder. What I wouldn't have given for that 60D revolving screen in that situation.

That's a rare situation though and a right angle finder would do the job too. I'd have to say go for the 7D, it's just a much better camera in so many ways, not the least of which is a very advanced AF system.
Cheers for the comments so far :)

I've managed 3 years without a so much as live view :LOL:

Think I may be able to "make do" with a 7D :LOL:
Another vote for the 7D....much better AF and lens micro adjustment available.
I have the 7d and 15-85... Great combination....
There are two rules in life.

1. Having children is never a good lifestyle decision for a man

2. A Canon XD is always better than an XXD which is always better than an XXXD.
Well, the debate is over..... order with Mr Kelso :D

The final decision went the way of the 7D..... I feel like a kid on Xmas eve :LOL:
Well, the debate is over..... order with Mr Kelso :D

The final decision went the way of the 7D..... I feel like a kid on Xmas eve :LOL:

Enjoy it... I love mine....
Enjoy and when it arrives you will be a kid on Christmas Day just like I was :D
Great camera(y)
There are two rules in life.

2. A Canon XD is always better than an XXD which is always better than an XXXD.

That assumes that they are from the same generation/time... I mean a 1D Mk1 may be a very pro camera, but I certainly wouldn't take one over a 550d :)

Also there's the XXXXD :D