Liverpool Brouhaha 2007 (56k Warning)

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Really enjoyed some of the acts on display, was well worth visiting. I stuck with one lens all day the Nikkor 70-300 VR, not a fast lens and it didn't help that it was an overcast day and I didn't use flash.





Belmont Freetown Cultural Arts Company (Trinidad & Tobago)




Vamos (Uruguay)




Association Capoeira Senzala (France)



High Def Showcase - Urbeatz (Liverpool/UK)




You've got some really great shots there dude. Because it was overcast the light was rather nice and for lots of those shots you didn't need the flash. Good eye contact on some too, and killer facial expressions. Damn annoying that the little stage had the fencing round. Such a distracting background.
Too many good ones there to pick favourites!

Hmm maybe #4 in the first lot ;)

Enjoyed looking through those :)
Agreed - really nice set. I probably like the Vamos shots the best, but that maybe because I really enjoyed their set.
Excellent reportage/portrait stuff. Beautiful timing and interesting composition.
great set, not really sure the lens held you back at all to be honest
Thanks for all the comments folks, much appreciated. I made a lot of mistakes, some of them quite apparent but I had a lot of fun learning.

Because it was overcast the light was rather nice and for lots of those shots you didn't need the flash.

You know that was kinda funny because at the start of the day I said it was a shame it was overcast half-expecting you to agree. But when you said otherwise I took stock of it :)
You know that was kinda funny because at the start of the day I said it was a shame it was overcast half-expecting you to agree. But when you said otherwise I took stock of it :)

Natures soft-box. If you compose a shot without sky you should get nice detail in the eyes. There's virtually no real difference in my flash shots and non-flash. The thing that stands out is the catchlights in the eyes that adds just that bit extra.
Yup I had already read about overcast light being softer. I was more concerned at the time about being able to freeze action.
Ahhh I see. ISO :) Even though I was shooting at ISO800 on the 10D, which is fairly noisy, if you get the exposure spot on (and convert to black and white) then its generally fine. I did have a lot of shots at 400mm that were blurry though.
Aye I eventually upped the ISO to 800 as I came to the conclusion as probably many others have that I'd rather have a noisy image than a blurred one.
Good set this. Looks like you had fun, learned a load and pulled of some good shots in the process - never a bad thing! (y)