Various Roses

no1 uses the rules to great effect the rest being good shots are put in the shade with the compositional and modelling used in no 1
Nice shots - again - number 1 is the favourite.

Being super picky, I'd still say the balance is not quite right on the first shot - the flower is more half-way than 1/3 or 2/3 - cropping in from the bottom left to shorten the left and bottom sides would bring the framing in-line with the 2/3 rule - I think that currently it just doesn't really balance IMO.

I like the white bokeh in the fourth shot as well, and if you'd not shot the flower so central, that would be a definite contender as well.

All nice shots, but more thought on the composition would make them all great! (y)
Nice shots - again - number 1 is the favourite.

Being super picky, I'd still say the balance is not quite right on the first shot - the flower is more half-way than 1/3 or 2/3 - cropping in from the bottom left to shorten the left and bottom sides would bring the framing in-line with the 2/3 rule - I think that currently it just doesn't really balance IMO.

I like the white bokeh in the fourth shot as well, and if you'd not shot the flower so central, that would be a definite contender as well.

All nice shots, but more thought on the composition would make them all great! (y)

Truly helpful! Thank you! I'll try and think more about the composition next time.
... and if you'd not shot the flower so central, that would be a definite contender as well.

All nice shots, but more thought on the composition would make them all great! (y)

Completely agree with the above - I think you need to experiement with your composition and try not to always shoot down on the flower.