Senlac Motor Show

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Hi All

I haven't posted here for ages but I got out at the weekend to a local car show, unfortunately the weather was terrible, very wet and windy. I spent most of the time trying not to get my camera wet but managed these few shots. All critique welcome.

Nice old Jag, bit of HDR from a single file and sharpening.

Jaguar by dsmith1.7, on Flickr

My dads lovely BSA B31 tank. Straight shot, bit of sharpening.

BSA Tank Badge by dsmith1.7, on Flickr

BMW 635CSi. Bit of HDR from single file, sharpening and desaturate background.

BMW 635 CSi by dsmith1.7, on Flickr

Angry Cat. Desaturate, increased contrast and sharpening.

Angry Cat by dsmith1.7, on Flickr

Rover P5. HDR from single file and a bit of sharpening.

Rover P5 3.5 litre V8 by dsmith1.7, on Flickr

Thank you for taking time to look. Dan
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Nice set of images for me. Really like the Jag close up. My only criticism would be they are a bit flat in colour.
Thanks Scottynooo, what do you mean flat? Is it the fact that they have been desaturated too far?

Cheers Again
For me, the only successful one is Angry Cat, the rest are cropped FAR too close, give the car some room to breath! A bit of context. The BSA is ruined by the fact you're in it, try and experiment to get out of shot in mirror polished stuff.